Chapter : 17

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- Your p.o.v -

No, I didn't forget about the notes. No, I didn't forget that they wanted to sell me. No, I will never be able to forget.

As I walk past the other pastas all I see is a blur of colours and noises. I hear people call me but I just make my way through. People try to grab me, touch me. But it's like they can't reach. I know I've fallen out of sanity. I can't stay around them, I'm dangerous. I can't see clearly, colour, blurs, fuzzy outlines of my friends. I keep hearing them call, "Rumour, Rumour, Sky?" but its all hollow and seems to echo through the emptiness. Then I thought I heard someone say, "(y/n)..?" I spun around glaring... nothing. Ok now I'm hearing things. I thought I saw an outline of this girl who was my friend and betrayed me but I pretended I never noticed. "What? so her real name is (y/n)?" I hear her voice crystal clear. No. NO. "NO ONE'S ALLOWED TO KNOW!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. All of a sudden everyone went quiet, the colours and blurs disappeared. Instead there was just the pastas in front of me. I fell over, landing on my butt.

"Are you ok, Rumour?" Eyeless jack's voice filled the silence. I realized what happened. "oh, no, no, no." I said quietly. "Sky?" Jane's voice filled the silence as well. "I'm s-so s-sorry!" I said quietly standing up as I said it. Everyone looked worried. I turned away, not facing them. I grabbed my case and ran up the stairs. I heard footsteps running after me, no, no, no, this reminds me.

~ Flashback ~

I screamed a shrill little girls scream, I kept running. I cried and laughed at the same time, all the while footsteps thundered behind me. I ran, faster and faster. Only to do one of those slow motion falls. My eyes widened as I started falling face first off a cliff. What was I thinking, running through a forest only to come to an abrupt cliff. But before I managed to drop, a meaty hand grabbed my shirt collar. I turned around and to my horror, it was my father. He dragged me back into the forest. I was shaking from my near death experience. When we reached a good deep part of the forest he dropped me down. Then got on top of me, raped and abused I fell limp in his arms. He continued to beat my unconsious body. He hit my head until every thought and memory of my childhood went black and became forgotten. When I woke up I was in hospital.

~ Flashback over ~

Slowly over time I started to remember things, but I never remembered that he sexually abused me. I knew he hit me, I knew he yelled at me, but, I never knew.

I ran all the way to my room. When I finally got there I locked the door and I fell to my knees on the floor, trembling and crying. I cried and cried. People knocked on my door, people tried to burst it open, but it wouldn't budge. My heart beat so fast, harder and harder in my chest. As if it was trying to break free of my boney cage. It hurt, I remember everything, every little detail.

I dragged my self up off the ground and grabbed my knife, I didn't even bother to go into the bathroom, I just sat there on the ground, cutting, soon my arms were too bloody so I moved onto my thighs. I didn't cut them as much, If anyone sees... i mean I have my sleeves and gloves to cover my arms but my legs were a different story.

It didn't go away, no matter how much I cut. I dropped the knife, it clattered to the ground. I just stared at my blood pooling on the ground and curled up in a ball, trembling and crying. My eyes were sore and my mask was rubbing. But I refused to take it off.

I had one last thought before I went to sleep. 'I will kill her.' No one other then I guess Slendy because he can't really help it is allowed to know my real name. NO ONE.

- Hoodie's p.o.v -

Eventually Slender sent eveyone who was waiting outside Rumour's door to bed. Everyone except me. I guess it's beause I stayed quiet and didn't make any noise. He just looked at me and nodded.

Soon the mansion was dark, you could hear the soft snores or laughing in Lj's case through out the mansion but I was more focused on a different noise. Crying, I heard crying. Rumour's crying. After an hour or so it died down. Maybe she cried herself to sleep.

I stood up in front of her door and tried the handle. Still locked. I sighed and went to grab some bedding from my room, I'm spending the night out here in the hallway, just incase. Masky's room is next door to mine. As I walked past his room, I noticed his door was open. I peeked in and saw him sitting on his bed hugging his knees.

He saw me and quickly looked away. He wasn't wearing his mask.

"Can't sleep?" he asked me, now with his mask on. I shook my head (no). "Then why are you up?" I looked at the ground, "S-slender didn't send m-me away h-he let me st-stay," I replied. "Oh.." he trailed off. "Do you w-wanna wait outside her d-door with me?" I asked quietly. He looked up at me and shook his head (yes). Then started grabbing his bedding. I walked into my room and grabbed mine. Then we went down the hall and set up our bedding, our backs leaning against her door.

I heard him sigh and he laid down and eventually started sleeping. I wasn't tired I slept all morning. I just stayed there awake listening to his even breaths and staring at the gentle light flowing in from the window at the end of the door.

I sighed.

Please come out.


Hoodie is there for you!

1027 words

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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