Chapter : 16

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-Your p.o.v -

All week Toby and I have been going on missions and we started getting really close. We were walking back from one through the forest when he suggested we took a break. I sat down leaning on an old tree. He sat down next to me. "What c-colour are y-your eyes?" He asked taking me off guard. I looked at him smiling under my mask, "you can't see them? The mask only covers my face, not my eyes," I stated plainly. He shook his head, "no y-your mask shadows th-them." "I will ask Jane if she has seen them," I thought aloud. "Oh and it's another one of those little secrets I have to keep up my mysterious character profile," I joked. We laughed a little and we started going back.

I took a deep breath as I followed him through the trail staying a pace behind him. "I-I h-have somewhere I n-need to g-go," I stuttered out, "y-you go b-back to the m-mansion. I will s-see you l-l-later," I finished nervously. He looked at me and slowly nodded his head. I watched him walking away and then I ran off.

Finally I arrived at the place. The house was abandoned and it seems that no one has lived here in a long time, not since I left. The paint of my old house was peeling and bits of timber had been eaten away. I walked up to the door and grasped the rusty handle. It was unlocked and the hinges creaked loudly as I forced the door open. As soon as I stood inside I looked down the familiar hall. I could almost see my self as a little girl running down the hallway, kicking off my muddy little boots and dashing upstairs to play with my toys. I looked in the living room, dust had piled up in a thick layer and spiders had infested the ceiling. I could remember my mother sitting by the fireplace reading me books. Then I remembered how after she closed the book she had muttered to herself thinking I couldn't hear her saying, "fucking little brat, I know you killed someone, I wish you were never born, you were the worst accident created, I wish you would die, crazy little girl who talks to herself you creepy little psycho." I had smiled pretending I didn't hear her and ran upstairs crying. I looked at the stairs I remember my dad pulling out his belt and hitting me, slapping me, kicking me. A tear slipped down my face as I remembered. I walked into the kitchen and saw blood on the ground, old dry blood. From my parents. Cockroaches infested the rest of the house too. I went upstairs to my room. It was untouched. Exactly how I left it all those months ago. I ran my fingers along the edge of my bed. I flapped the covers and got rid of all the dust. I cleaned my room and bathroom until it was spotless from dust and bugs. I sat on my bed and went through my bed side table draw. I pulled out a necklace, I got it for my first birthday from my parents, there was a picture of me as a little kiddie in there. I hooked it around my neck. Then I stood up and looked on my desk. My laptop and drawing books and stationary was there. I got out a case and put them in it as well as some of my favourite clothes and memories. It was getting late I decided I would spend one last night here and changed into some pyjamas and laid down on the bed. I rested my mask on my dresser and snuggled under the covers.

I woke up to the familiar screaming of my alarm. I slapped it and yawned. "Geez if this thing goes off every morning people around here must hate this house," I thought aloud laughing a little. I changed back into my outfit and grabbed the case. I looked in my mirror, Toby was right you can't see my eyes. I smiled to myself before remembering one last place I need to go. I slowly and regretfully made my way into my parents room. I hadn't been in here since I was a little girl, because my parent forbid me to. Now I know why. Written on the walls was all their hatred towards me, how much they wanted me gone, how much they hated me. I cried silently and walked over rummaging through their dressers, I found a glass rose and their wallets. I found one last note on my mums dresser, it was a note confirming to sell me. Tears were rapidly falling down my cheeks, my mums cell phone was on top of the note ready to call them. I grabbed the note and her phone and shoved them in the case. I grabbed my mums favourite scarf from her wardrobe, it was dark grey and black striped. Then I ran out of my house. I looked back before remembering something. Contacts, my mum had contact lenses they were blue. I could use them. I dashed inside her room ignoring the notes and grabbed them. Then I put them in my eyes and removed my mask. I took off my hoodie and changed into another one of my shirts. I put my skive and hoodie as well as my mask in my case. I tied my hair up in a pony tail and quickly ran up to my room and put on make up no make my skin look, 'normal'. Since I'm as white as a ghost, no offence Gold. Then I went to the city. I went to and ice cream parlour even though it was a cold day. I pulled a purple sweat shirt out of my case and pulled it on. I paid for the ice cream out of my mums purse and sat down to eat it. I watched people as they moved around me. A group of guys came up to me and started hitting on me. I was a little panicked. But I sat there ignoring them until they finally left. Then I went to the shopping part of town and bought some clothes that I liked. When the day finally started coming to an end I decided it was time to go back to the mansion. I went back to my house and scrubbed off the makeup before changing and putting my mask on. I decided to keep the contacts. I let my hair fall limply back beside me and finally I looked like Rumour again, Rumour the fucking murderer. I was angry and depressed so I went and killed a bunch of people before returning back to the mansion.

As I walked along the track I thought about how I saw no other pastas. I'm glad though, I don't want them to see my face. I reached the mansion and opened the door. I opened it a little to hard I think because everyone looked up and was staring at me. Suddenly I hear the familiar voice of Jane call, "SKY!" And she practically jumped over everyone and pulled me into a death hug. When I looked up I realised everyone was hugging me, even Ej and the pastas that liked their personal space. "W-what's wrong?" I asked when they finally released me. Jane was practically in tears and she cried, "we thought you finally decided you'd had enough and ran away! We couldn't find you anywhere!" I looked at her astonished, "WHAT!?!?" I yelled, "I would never leave you guys, your my family," I whispered the last part. I blushed deeply embarrassed. Everyone awed and cheered knowing I was staying I smiled and ran upstairs with my case to clean up. I came back down stairs in, a navy sweater with a wolf on it, black leggings and purple socks, as well as my mask, obviously. I was met in the kitchen by slender. He practically picked me up, I thought he was angry but he embraced me, even with all his tentacles and everything. I think he overheard my family statement. If he could smile I think he would right now. He stood in the lounge room and made an announcement. "Why don't we celebrate the return and reunitation of our family!" He said, every one cheered. Any excuse for a party, I laughed. So it was decided tomorrow we will have a party because I made an official statement of them being my family, and this is where I belong.

It really is.



1459 words and it was a longer chapter then usual! ^.^


Lol idek

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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