Chapter : 6

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- Masky's p.o.v -

It's been a week since we were notified of the new girl, but god damn it slender had to send us on the longest possible mission in history of the flipping world. Okay I'm exaggerating. I've been on missions that lasted months, I'm just glad we are going home and I can finally get away from Toby who wouldn't shut up about meeting her the whole time. Though it has gotten me curious.

I sighed, Toby started singing again. It was his favourite hobby to annoy me. I furrowed my brow under my mask. I'm tired I will eat then sleep when I get back. Maybe meet her in between.

- Jane's p.o.v -

Sky and I have gotten closer, she lets me use her name and is comfortable not wearing her mask around me. We have practically become besties!

We were sitting in my room drawing and talking about funny YouTube channels when I heard a few yells down stairs. With both me and Sky being extra curious, she slipped on her mask and we peeked down the stairs, laying on our bellies. Only for a confused eyeless jack to accidentally step on her back gaining a surprised squeak from Sky and a laughing Hoodie, who watched it all happen. I saw Masky sitting at the table eating cheese cake so I stood up pushing a still surprised Ej out of the way and dragging Sky up and down stairs behind me. Laughing when she tripped and fell on me. She laughed quietly. It was kinda cute.

- Masky's p.o.v -

When we finally arrived home, Toby ran off to god knows where. I walked to the fridge and pulled out some cheese cake, sitting at the table and digging in. Toby jumped on BEN who was gaming, creating a domino affect with Laughing Jack and Sally. Everyone yelled at Toby, I snickered, serves him right! A few minutes later I swear I heard Hoodie laughing so I looked up at the stairs, only to find the new girl tumbling down them with Jane, falling on top of her at the bottom laughing quietly. I stared at them curious. Then Jane practically jumped to her feet, hauling the new girl up behind her, running towards me. Toby peeked his head up over the couch and gave a yell with excitement, dashing over to us.

There was an awkward silence, luckily Jane spoke up, "Hey Masky, Toby this is Rumour," she gestured to a masked girl. I was instantly more curious when I found out she was wearing a mask, though I tried not to show it. "Hi I'm *tic* Toby!" Toby yelled trying not to jump up and down. I think Rumour giggled. By now Hoodie had walked over to us, I guess he had nothing better to do. Rumour shuffled around nervously, "I-I'm Rumour, please c-call me that, but my n-name is Sky," she stuttered. Her behaviour was quite cute. I shook my head what am I thinking? I bet more then a few of the guys have been hitting on her. But still her nervous behaviour was really cute. I felt heat rising to my cheeks. I quickly shoved my last bit of cheese cake in and pulled my mask back down.

I stood up and yawned, stretching. She was having a stuttery conversation with Toby, she didn't seem to mind his ticcs and cracks. I walked towards my room waving, not even bothering to turn around and said, "See yah." When I got up the stairs I peered back around and saw her shyly waving at the stairs. I smiled under my mask.

- Your p.o.v -

I left Jane and Toby behind before heading up to BEN's room. Over the week we had also become good friends and I often gamed with him since I couldn't be bothered to do anything else. I knocked on his door. I heard a bunch of shuffling noises then he opened the door, smiling almost as wide as Jeff when he saw me. He moved out of the way and let me into his room where he was gaming with this ghost Pokemon guy or something called Gold. We were all gaming buddies. I smiled under my mask and waved shyly. He waved back just as shyly. We all started playing some war game or something, I don't know the name of it but we play it so often I'm actually pretty good now.

I fist pumped the air shouting, "YEAH!" when I made my second win in five rounds. I quickly clasped my hand on my mask where my mouth would be. We all giggled. I leaned on Gold's shoulder while BEN was setting up a new round. Then Gold leaned on BEN's shoulder and we crushed him, laughing when he squirmed to get away. After Gold won the last round BEN changed games. While Ben was changing games someone knocked on his door. BEN gestured for Gold to get it. He stood up and peeked out the door I peeked out from behind him. To our surprise it was Hoodie. He asked to come in and BEN shook his head (yes). Hoodie sat on the bed, while Gold and I sat back down on the floor. I didn't lean back on Golds shoulder, I felt like I was being watched again, stupid paranoia. Hoodie was probably just watching us game. Soon I got lost in the game, which happened to be Minecraft and forgot about it. I was mining when a skeleton scared the hell out of me, I jumped with a squeak practically hugging Gold before killing it with my controller in either one of my hands, my arms still around his waist. When it was dead I quickly let go and sat back up. I looked at Gold he didn't seem phased but I couldn't really see his face that well because it was night and the only light in the room was the TV we were playing on. BEN died and cursed quietly, smiling at me when I looked at him. If I wasn't wearing my mask I would have seen me smiling back. I pretended to reach for the popcorn in front of Gold and quickly peeked at Hoodie. He just sat there on the bed watching the screen with his arms either side of him. I lifted my mask so only my mouth was visible and ate the popcorn I grabbed. I quickly slipped the mask back over my mouth.

:) meeting the proxies!!!! Hehe

1087 words

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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