Chapter : 26

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- Your p.o.v -

Slender nodded thoughtfully. "It's okay, but you really did a number. The police are starting to clear off anyway." I sighed in relief, extreme relief. "I don't think anyone in that situation would be comfortable around here anyway, I'm glad you came back. I will be punishing Toby, he should know better," he said shaking his head. "Just know that it's awful being forced to hear something you don't want to," I mumbled, "and thank you. I thought I was dead meat." He chuckled a deep staticky laugh. "Okay, your dismissed, if you want..." I nodded quickly and stood up, walking slowly to the door and as soon as I shut it dashing quietly to my room. I finally got there without running into anyone. I flopped mask down onto my bed and sighed, in a depressed way.

After I got back I hung my head avoiding eyes when the door was answered. Toby was the one who opened it to my horror. I started shaking, "Rumour there you are! We were looking for you!" He said excitedly. He was dishonest and tried to play it off. I started visibly shaking, "hey, are you okay?" His tone changed. Then Masky and Hoodie walked in from the back room connected to the lounge room. "Come on we can watch a movie!" Toby continued, I started choking back violent sobs. My body was jolting and I just stood there, wide eyed in the door way. Masky and Hoodie made their way over rather fast. But Toby was still trying, if it was an animation LJ who was watching would have sweat dropped right about now. "We have popcorn and Slendy bought some chocolate!"  My legs couldn't hold me and I kneeled down clutching my hair covering my ears, my scythe clattered down beside me and I was shaking like crazy. Hoodie dragged Toby away and Masky tried to calm me down until I started blabbering nonsense. He ended up picking me up and carrying me to Slender.

The word grew dark around me I guess I fell asleep. Nightmares of my past flooded my mind, I ran and ran but I couldn't get away from my father, then I fell of a cliff and life repeated. I was in my room hiding in my cupboard praying he wouldn't find me and rape me again. Then I heard knocking, knock, knock, knock. It grew louder and paused before starting again. It's my dad he's coming again.

I jolted awake, knock, knock, knock. Some one was knocking on my door, I was scared of whoever was on the other side. So I didn't respond. The knocking started again. Persistent much, oh please don't be Toby. I finally found my voice after another round of knocks started. "W-w-who's there?" I said quietly. "It's Masky," his voice said. He mightn't be alone though so I hid under my bed. "Come I-in," I pretty much whispered. I cowered into the darkness as my door creaked open and a pair of foot steps were sounded and sure enough they were followed by another. I shrunk away in fear. "Where are you?" He sighed. "T-two," I said so quiet it was beyond a whisper in the silent range but he still managed to hear me. "What can't I visit?" Jane's voice sounded. A sigh escaped my lips. "D-door," I said since it was still open. They went over to close it while I slipped out from under the bed. Surprising them when they turned around to see me sitting on it. I looked at the ground.

"Hey it's ok," Jane said coming over and engulfing me into a hug. "You okay?" Masky asked. I looked up at him but said nothing. No I wasn't okay. I'm more broken then ever. "W-what do you want?" I asked sorrowfully. "We wanted to see if you were okay," Masky said. "I-I was asleep," I said kind of glad they woke me from my nightmares. "Oh, sorry," Jane said, still hugging me. "It's okay, I was having... Nightmares," I said quietly. Masky sat on the other side of me and joined the hug. Tears threatened but I held them back. "Masky go away she needs to get out of these clothes!" Jane exclaimed inspecting my clothes that were crusted in blood. He let go of me and stood up, "I will be back later," he said. I nodded.

As soon as he was gone Jane cleaned me up, letting me shower by myself, thankfully. I didn't let her see the cuts, scars or my neck which still had my slightly new one printed on in in red when the others were purple or grey. She insisted on picking clothes for me though. After that she left me to do something, I would have slept but I was too afraid. I knew if I slept I would end up having nightmares, so I stared off into space. I looked at the scars on my wrists as if I had never seen anything like them before, that was until the door slammed open. I jumped, curling up into a ball and pulling my gloves on, half expecting to be hit by my father or Toby or someone. But when the hit never came I peeked over my shoulder to see Masky peering down at me.

He sat down next to me and we ate in silence as he brought food up. I got lost in my thoughts staring off into nowhere. Masky tried to talk to me about something but I was spaced off far away. He finally gave up and went to take our plates away, but as soon as he was gone, darkness took over again. I shivered from fear and I could hear muffled yells and screams coming from somewhere outside my door. I could hear, Masky's voice, Hoodie's voice, Toby's voice, some girl's voice and then Slender's voice.

I put my hands to my head, they were wrapped in bandages so was my neck, only Hoodie and probably Slender would know why. I had a splitting head ache. Finally I gave up and passed out from the pain, closing my eyes. Only for them to open again but with them being dilated into a black abyss. I fell to my side on the bed.

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