Chapter : 8

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- Your p.o.v -

Slender has been getting everyone to train me. I can already work really well but I think it would be interesting to learn.

"Can you climb that tree?" Masky asked pointing to a tall tree in front of us. I nodded and quickly made my way up, stealthily and silently. He nodded then we did the usual routine of jumping from tree to tree, today I did good and didn't slip at all, I also managed to make no noise. I smiled under my mask as I leapt from tree to tree. The wind whipped at my mask and hair. It pulled my hood back a little so I straightened it when I landed. Each time I jumped adrenaline sliced through my veins, exciting me. A feeling I haven't felt in a long time, until I killed.

The creepy pastas made me feel again. I never used to be nervous when meeting new people, but I felt nervous after I killed. I'm still empty, I'm still depressed but I'm feeling again.

I hit my head on the tree as I landed. I need to stop getting distracted. "Oww," I cried rubbing my head. I quickly realised how loud I was and hid my face away from Masky. Even though it was masked. I blushed from embarrassment. Then I stood up prepared to jump again. But, I don't stand up to jump. What? I was disorientated. I felt dizzy and I fell out of the tree. Only coming back to my senses when it was to late. I squeezed my eyes tight, preparing for impact. But it never came.

I looked up to see Masky had caught me. I was instantly self conscious about my weight. I had a thundering headache. Then I noticed I was still in Masky's arms, our eyes met and my cheeks went redder then tomato sauce. I quickly stumbled out of his arms, landing on the ground. I held my head where it hit the tree. When I brought my hand down I noticed liquid on my gloves, it dripped on the ground, blood. I blacked out.

- Masky's p.o.v -

She was doing really well jumping from tree to tree when she must have daydreamed off, thinking about something. She ran into the tree hitting her head, quite bad. She cried out in pain quite loudly then quickly looked away, embarrassed I guess. Then she stood up, bad idea, she fell off the branch. The impact from the tree must have been really bad. I quickly ran to catch her, just made it. She looked dazed and shocked, then our eyes met. I felt head rising to my cheeks, thank God for the mask. Then she stumbled out of my arms landing on the ground. She touched her head and I noticed it was bleeding pretty badly, then she passed out.

I ran back to the mansion with her in my arms. I dodged trees and jumped over logs until it finally came into sight. Looming above us, almost threateningly. I quickly rushed inside and took her to Ej's room.

I sat next to her in a chair while EJ inspected her head. "She will be fine," he gestured to her, "It's not deep, it just, well you know made her disorientated." He washed away the blood and laid her back down on the patient bed. He left her mask on, I guess if she wanted us to see her face, by now we would have. I stood up when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and looked out to see BEN and Hoodie. They rushed inside when they saw her. Clearly they were concerned. I sighed and went back to sit on the chair. Running my hands over the wood, feeling ever dip and crevice, until I got a splinter in my finger. My hand instantly retracted and I pulled out the wood shard that had buried itself deep in my skin.

We stayed there for a while until slender heard about the news, he teleported there with Toby, they both looked concerned. Jane was out or I'm sure she would be too. "Take her to her room so we can stop evading Ej's privacy," slender said. I reached over and picked her up, Toby got the door and to my surprise a heap of creepy pastas were standing outside it. I guess everyone was concerned, she has made a lot of friends. I smiled little under my mask and took her up to her room while Ej tried to explain what happened, stuttering like Hoodie.

- Your p.o.v -

I woke up to a knocking sound. I groaned and I heard someone shushing the person who knocked. I opened my eyes to find myself in my room. My head hurt and I had a pounding headache. I looked around and saw my mask on the bed next to me. I quickly grabbed it and shoved it on, whimpering when I touched the injury on my head. Wait, injury? Then it all flooded back the training, hitting my head, falling out of a tree, Masky. I looked at my door to see Jane talking to someone, she wouldn't let them see me, probably because of my mask, their voice was familiar but I haven't spent enough time remembering everyone's voices to recognise it. I cried out in pain as my headache grew worse, Jane instantly turned around and turned her attention to me. I saw the person she was talking to was actually several people. Gold, Ben, Hoodie, Ej, Sally and ... Masky. My cheeks went pink when I saw him, I was still embarrassed from earlier. They all looked at me in concern, I think they also wanted to see my face but haha to bad. Jane handed my some painkillers and a glass of water, I lifted my mask above my mouth and gratefully swallowed them down. I pulled my mask back down and sighed. Everyone kinda just stood there looking at me and I felt heat rising to my cheeks. I pulled my blanket over my head and squeaked when Jane poked me. She laughed and asked, "are you okay?" I poked my head back out and nodded, my headache finally subsiding.

The others seemed satisfied and walked away. I sat up and sighed of relief, before looking at Jane, we both giggled.


1060 words pplzzz

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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