Chapter : 12

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Ok so I search up Grinny cat, Grinny cat human form then searched up smile dog human form, then I search up smile dog. I am officially disturbed, he has some really creepy pictures.

- Ej (eyeless Jack)'s p.o.v -

I woke up around mid day sprawled out in BEN's bathtub. I look around, the only other pasta in here is Grinny the cat. He was in his human form. He looked at me irritatedly and poked me in the arm once more, muttering stuff like how I should be grateful and how I take forever to wake up. I guess he didn't notice I was awake due to my mask and lack of eye movement. He went to poke me again but I grabbed his hand, even though he was sitting cross legged he seemed to jump off the ground landing back the way he was in shock. Two words. Cat reflexes. He seemed to get over his stun and glared at me. "W-what?" I croaked, I had a really bad hangover from the party and my headache was starting to get to me. "Hood-" he was cut off by a loud yell, that seemed to shake the mansion. "Where is Eyeless Jack and Masky!?!!??!?" Someone yelled, it sounded like Hoodie. Grinny cleared his throat. "He has been searching for you guys for the last fifteen minutes, he probably is gonna kill you for the prank last night." A chill ran down my spine as I remember the last time he got angry, Jeff couldn't move for a week and had to be watched over constantly. Grinny looked at me expectantly, "shit," I cursed. "So that's why," he continued, "your lucky I found you before he did. I locked us in here, don't ask, I don't know why your in the bathtub. I found you here." He held his hands up in an 'I surrender' way. I shook my head, the headache was getting worse. The party started coming back to me, then I remembered I kissed Jeff. I ran to the toilet and threw up. Grinny looked at me like, 'not my fault you got yourself drunk'. I washed my mouth out and sat next to Grinny, cross legged. "Now what?" I asked awkwardly. He rolled his eyes and snuck into BEN's room before coming back with two DSs. He handed me one. "We game," he said simply and started up a multiplayer game.

- Your p.o.v -

I opened my eyes to see his hand retreating and a piece of paper on the floor in front of me. He left, closing the door loudly behind him. I heard Gold whisper, "he's gone.... Still alive?" I stayed where I was, quiet, not moving and waited another 3 minutes for good measure before grabbing the paper and slipping it in my pocket. Then I edged my way out from under the bed. I startled Gold who was staring at the bottom of his bed by grabbing his arm. He helped pull me out and I sat in a dark corner, kind of traumatised. Gold was looking at me really concerned. I gave him a reassuring smile, then remembered my mask, the unnerving, creepy smile on it is defiantly not helping. I crawl over to Gold and hug his arm, burying my mask, face(?) into his shoulder. He sighs and gets that I'm telling him I'm okay. I pick up the controller and let out my confusion by going on hard mode and killing everyone on the server in a matter of seconds, including my own team. Gold gives me a, 'srsly' look and I laugh. Then I sit on his bed and watch him play, glancing at the note, half slipping out of my pocket every so often. Eventually I give up and reach for it, unfolding the paper and reading the note. I say nothing, just letting it drop next to me. I curled up in a ball, shaking, tears stream down my face. Gold notices this and comes over, he picks up the note. His eyes don't widen in shock. He doesn't try to calm me down. Rather he reads aloud, "Rumour, I'm going to let you off because your new and yesterday was your first special. -Hoodie." I look up at Gold in shock and grab the note out of his. I start shaking more vividly when I read the exact words Gold just said on the paper. "I-I swear," I started, "the note s-said, h-he's c-coming." It was written in blood and I saw it on the paper. I'm hallucinating, my fear got in the way. I started hyperventilating and Gold petted my back comfortingly. I shake my head, I'm going crazy.

- Masky's p.o.v -

It broke my heart to see her breaking down like that. I gulped at the thought of Zalgo. I just wanted to go in and hug her, comfort her and tell her it was okay. But I couldn't, because Hoodie is still looking for me, hopefully he will cool it later. For now I'm stuck in Lj's closet. The only reason I could see her is because I peeked in the room on the way past.

I shivered, I swear something touched my back. I turned around, my eyes finally adjusting to the dark. There are a lot of creepy dolls and stuffed toys, bits of doll and stuffed toy had been sewn together and some were missing heads, not to mention other limbs. Then a cold voice whispered in my ear, "whispers and lies," it sounded so familiar, isn't that Rumour's saying now I think about it. I spun around, only to be face to face with a creepy doll thing that looked similar to Rumour. I think puppeteer has been messing with Lj's toys. It was really creepy and the edges of its lips were sewn together with black thread. It didn't wear a mask and had big black button eyes. It's long black hair flopped limply against it plastic frame. Okay I was officially super creeped out. Then it whispered, "stay in the cold." Then more creepy dolls crawled towards me. The first one who I decided to name death no. 1 whispered again, "I'm so jealous because I feel so empty." Then death no.1 cocked its head to the side,

"Red wrists,
Burnt lungs.
Screams and twists,
Dead and gone.

Empty kisses,
Dead wishes,

Deeper the cuts,
Further the bandages.
Shunned down by sluts,
Life stolen by bandits.

Red wrists,
Dead rose."

She cocked her head to the side again, smiling creepily, until I heard a loud crack.

1107 words.

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

So cold ( creepy pasta x Reader ) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now