Chapter : 9

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- Ej's p.o.v -

It's been a week since Rumour had her 'accident'. With the number of pastas worried about her it has become obvious that she has made a lot of good friends. She has recovered very well and I expect her to wanna get out in a few days. She hasn't killed since the day before she got hurt and she must have been pretty disappointed since she had planned on going on a mission with Masky.

I have been observing her training with the others and though they don't say anything she has been doing better then them in some instances. She comes up to my room sometimes and spends time with me, asking about medical tools or just telling me about her day and life. After she goes killing she brings back kidneys for me and her kindness has struck me to a point. I'm sure more then one of us has fallen for her.

- Gold's p.o.v -

Rumour has been gaming with BEN and I all week. I mean I'm not complaining, everything is more fun with her around and she leans on my shoulder as we game, it's kinda cute. I get the feeling that she isn't trying her hardest when we game either, when I told BEN this he said he would challenge her. Today's the day.

She knocked on the door and I heard BEN snickering to himself. He opened the door with a grin on his face and like usual her and I exchanged shy waves. After a few rounds of that war game we always play he clapped his hands together. She looked at him curiously. "Rumour! I challenge you to a round of (insert random multiplayer fighting game)!" She nodded her head slowly, like she was thinking then said, "okay." He setup the game and turned off all the lights. The only light source was the TV. I decided I would watch from the bed. He handed her a controller and explained the rules. She nodded her head, glancing at me every so often, I blushed, glad the room was dark and hid my blush. Then BEN started the round, within a minute he was dead. "H- ha- HOWDIDYOUDOTHATSOFAST!?!?" He screamed. She giggled and glanced at me again. I was right. She has been going easy on us this whole time, I bet that wasn't even her best. I decided to speak up, "How come you were going easy on us?" She giggled and said, "It's more fun if you don't own the game and work with others." I could practically feel her beaming under her mask. That was confirmed when she grabbed some popcorn and lifted her mask above her mouth to eat it. After that BEN continued challenging her loosing every time. I even joined in and ganged up on her but she killed us both in 10 seconds flat. Wow she was good.

- Your p.o.v -

After gaming for a few hours with BEN and Gold I got hungry so I got up and went downstairs to make a sandwich. I sat on the couch and enjoyed it silently. After a few minutes Gold came down and sat next to me, he turned the TV on and started watching kids cartoons with me. I know we are childish I get it but there was literally nothing else on except a documentary on this person who made the best Caesar salad in the world or something. Then the cartoons turned to Looney tunes some remake of the three little pigs came on, Gold and I giggled quietly every so often when one of us would make a remark on how dumb it was or something.

We had watched cartoons for almost 2 hours when someone put their hands over my eyes, whispering, "Guess who?" I had absolutely no idea. "U-uh," I stuttered. I heard the door open and someone asked, "Hoodie, what are you doing?" I smiled under my mask as the hands were moved away and Hoodie cried, "Aww, Masky! You wrecked it!" I giggled as Hoodie sat on the other side of me. We all kinda sat there watching Looney tunes until Masky came in eating a cheesecake and asking, "Why are you all watching cartoons?" We just kinda looked at him and shrugged. "We were bored," Gold suggested. Hoodie and I nodded. I think Masky laughed quietly as we all kinda mechanically turned our heads back to Tom and Jerry.

Toby walked in and gave us a look like, you all so immature but I wanna watch cartoons as well. I giggled along with Gold, Masky and Hoodie. Then Toby spoke up, "Slender said we all have to go get ready because tonight is the special night," then he kinda processed something in his head and groaned, "I guess that means Splendy, Trendy and Offenderman will be there." Everyone looked kinda disgusted, but soon perked up. "What?" Is all I could say, I didn't know anything about what he just said. "Slendy got you some nice clothes, their in your room. Splenderman, Trenderman and Offenderman are Slendy's brothers. And the special is a surprise since you haven't seen one before," Toby seemed to answer, well almost answer all of my questions. I nodded my head and we all jumped up off the couch to go get ready.

As I entered my room I quickly checked every where along my grey walls making sure no one was watching me before making my way over to the bed. On the bed there was a black sleeveless dress that cut short just below my butt almost daring people to peek, it had a few silver sequins on the front and showed off my... Breasts or v-line more then I would have liked. There was also a partly see through  (translucent or transparent the one that is in between see through and not see through) shawl that I was to drape over my shoulders. There was also high heels and long elbow length gloves. I quickly jumped in the shower, what is this all about?


1015 words!

What's the special? So many flirty boys!
Looney tunes! XD I had to ok?

I will put a drawing of your outfit above.

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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