Chapter : 7

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- Slendy's p.o.v -

(Y/n) has been fitting in really well, I don't think there's one pasta that doesn't like her in some way or another. Even Jeff and Jane decided to make a truce and not hate the other when she's talking to one of them and definitely not hate her, since she and the them are both friends. So far she has had no issues with her name. Getting the pastas to call her Rumour and letting Jane call her Sky. In fact Jane and her have hit it off especially well, she even lets Jane see her face with out her mask. Now I haven't even seen her face. That was since Jane was the one who changed her and washed her clothes, which I am very grateful of her for doing that.

I finished making dinner and got Jeff to got get everyone.

- Your p.o.v -

We were still playing Minecraft and I had just found more diamonds and pounced on the others from excitement knocking them over and giggling when we heard a knock at the door. Hoodie got up off the bed and answered it. I jumped up and peeked over his shoulder to find out that it was Jeff. Jeff peered in the room and said, "Slendy said dinners ready." BEN paused the game and he and Gold got up. We all walked down the stairs, being kinda silent. I smiled under my mask when I saw some of the pastas sitting at the dinner table. Dinner is my favourite time. Everyone is so social and talkative! I sat next to Jane and for a change Masky sat down next to me. I pulled up my mask just enough for my mouth to show. I served myself some (f/f). Slendy is the best cook! He makes everything taste delicious. Slendy looks at me, "Thank you," he said. He read my mind! I blushed crimson red from embarrassment and hung my head staring at my food, still blushing. Masky nudged me, "What were you thinking?" He questioned. My face turned a shade redder and I almost whispered, "That he was a really good cook." He nodded, "Yeah he is!" I saw his mouth turn into a smile. By then I had stopped blushing, but when I saw his smile, my cheeks flushed pink and I smiled back shyly. He and hoodie both would lift their masks up above their mouths to eat, just like me! I glanced at Jane she was smiling at me. I continued eating, making small talk with BEN, Jane, a little with Toby And Hoodie and quite a bit with Masky. I would otherwise eat and listen to the other pasta's conversations. Then I felt a little adventurous. Slendy who was sitting across from me, made eye contact (? Kinda?) and I spoke first. "C-can I, please go k-killing ... Sometime?" He looked surprised and I think if he could smile, he would be. "Why yes!" He exclaimed, "Why don't you go tonight? You've been cooped up here all week I was wondering if you would start etching to get out." My eyes widened and I couldn't help but smile, "Really? Tonight?" I confirmed. He nodded and I smiled even wider. Some of the pastas chuckled (mainly LJ XD), I blushed and quickly finished my food. "Can I come Sky?" Jane asked. I looked over to her and nodded, smiling. She gave me a side hug and started eating faster as well.

- Hoodie's p.o.v -

I have been observing Sky, she has really cute behaviour and by the look of it, based on how many times she blushed during dinner, she blushes easily. Masky has seemed to take a likening to her, no, actually everyone has. But I'm just surprised because usually Masky doesn't give a damn about other people. He talked a lot to her during dinner. She seemed to be really good at gaming to.

~ Flashback ~

I asked Jane where Sky was and she told me that she was probably in BEN's room. I noticed she games with him quite often. I walked up to his room and knocked on the door. Gold opened it and Sky peeked over his arm. I asked if I could hang out in BEN's room, BEN nodded and I sat on the bed. I noticed she isn't as self conscious when gaming and does some really cute things like, punch the air when she succeeds, leans on Gold's shoulder, and sometimes they high five or yell. It's interesting. But for some reason I felt a little jealous when she would lean on Gold's shoulder and when she surprise hugged them. I'm not sure why. I saw her peek at me when she reached over for the popcorn. Maybe I'm seeing things. I just, I don't know.

~ Flashback over ~

I kinda wanted to go killing with her tonight as well. Then again maybe I should go on my own, or with Masky or Toby. Help take my mind off stuff.

I watched her and Masky talking, they were both smiling a little. Her smile was really cute. I shook my head.

- Your p.o.v -

I was quickly putting plates away in the kitchen, excited to get out, when Smile the dog and Grinny the cat walked in. I gave them the leftovers and pet Grinny. I've always been fond of cats. Smile licked my arm so I pet him to, right in that spot in between his ears and on his forehead. Then I heard a voice, "They don't usually let people touch them... Willingly," I looked up to see Jeff standing above us. He squat down and ruffled their fur. I smiled under my mask. "They like you," he said. I gave them one last stroke before standing up, waving goodbye.

I made my way to my room and put on my outfit. I grabbed my weapons and knocked on Jane's door. She opened it, already geared up and prepared. We went to Slender's room letting him know we were going and he personally waved us off as we ran into the forest. I waved back and grinned under my mask. Then we slipped through the woods silently until we came across a small town. We made our way through several houses and I always left my saying. Jane liked it, she said it suit my character well. I laughed. When I killed I was in insane mode. She liked that mode to. She said it was just another little part of me and it was in fact quite scary. When I was in insane mode I became way more confident and cold, but I made sure I never lost it completely. I'll wait 'till I'm alone, when there's no chance of hurting anyone I like to do that. I grinned at Jane as I sliced a girls head off. She grinned back as she stabbed a guy 37 times in the chest. I ripped out my victims hearts and smashed them with my crystal knife.

Yey feelings are being developed!
Chapter 7 already?!

1171 words

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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