Chapter : 19

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- Your p.o.v -

Dead. Their all dead. Four men on the ground, one crying abused girl, thanking me and shaking because she's scared of me. I twitch. I retch. I look at her, I sigh. "Do you have clothes? where are they?" I asked, she nodded and looked up at me terrified. I sighed, "Okay wait here a second," I instructed in a soothing voice. I stuck my head out the door. "Hoods go killing or something, I've got stuff I need to take care of," I said, then I twitched. He looked at me for a good twenty seconds then sighed. "Okay, see you later." He said quietly. I waved and watched him leave. I looked back at the girl. "Stay," I said again, she nodded. I went and grabbed the other girl still waiting outside. We walked back to the one in the room. She gasped when she saw miss teddybear, thats what I decided to name girl number one. I watched as they hugged, teddybear grinned up at me and her little friend looked up at me too. I got a good look at her. Honey coloured hair, pinkish cheeks, round hazel eyes. I looked her up and down, you could see her ribs and her bones, I frowned under my mask. She hugged her bare arms and shivered. Wait thats right! She's still naked. I walked over to her and she cowered. "It's okay," I soothed, then I gulped, "we are similar," I continued, looking at the ground. She looked up at me with big teary eyes and stopped backing away. "Umm, I hope you dont mind the blood." I picked her up and snuggled her in my hoodie. Teddybear looked at me and smiled sadly.

"Can you show me where the clothes are?" I asked her, she nodded and pulled me out of the room and down the hall. I watched the little girl snuggle into my chest and decided to call ths one honey because of her hair. Teddybear looked at me and put her finger to her lips. Then it slapped me, there has got to be more then two girls and four men here. I frowned. We quietly opened the door. My arms were wrapped around honey but I didn't drop my scythe. It was gripped tighly in my right hand, away from honey. We stepped inside and to my relief there was no one in here other then us and a pile of clothes. I put honey down and while she grabbed her clothes I took closer inspection of the room. Teddybear waved me over to a larger pile of clothes. I soon relised they were just clothes on a dog crate/cage (The thing you put dogs in when going in a car or on an aeroplane or something). I peered inside the cage and saw another body. I quickly broke the lock on he cage and gently grabbed the girl in my arms. She didn't stir and I panicked, Teddybear looked pale. I stared at the little boney girl in my arms and let out a sigh of relief when her little chest rose. She was smaller then Honey and Teddybear, she was tiny in fact the size of a 3 year old but my guess was that she was four. Her dirty brown hair knotted and clumped together. I think I was looking at her for about five minutes before she lifted her tiny arm and rubbed her eye before looking up at me terrified. I shushed her softly and rocked her in my arms until she felt better. Honey and Teddybear looked at her and smiled widely. I saw her small chocolaty brown eyes open and she looked at me and smiled softly, "Are you a hero?" She asked quietly, hero... I'm a killer. I guess I'm a hero to them though. "No, but I can be yours today," I whispered and she smiled at me. I put her down and watched her stumble over to the clothes. She gripped a little pink rabbit and hugged it, I watched her. Rose, thats what I'll call her.

After all three girls were dressed I told them I wanted them to wait here while I go and clear out the rest of this awful place. They nodded and looked scared. I told them to hide behind this big box that was near the back of the room and they stumbled over and peeked out at me. "I promise I will be back," I reassured and lifted my mask up enough for my smile to be visible. They grinned back and I waved and quietly shut the door behind me, pulling my mask down and gripping my scythe even tighter.

I went room to room killing men, some were talking, some were abusing and pretty soon I had quite a few girls trailing me. I sent them back into the clothes room and they nodded as I moved off again.

It was dusty and smelly here and I had come across two little skeletons. It brought tears to my eyes but I kept them to myself. I could here cries comeing from the door at the end of the hall but I cleared out the side rooms first. Sending off little girls to go to the clothes room and coming across another skeleton. I retched when I stepped in discusting liquids and broken glass. I low growl emitted from my throat. I had a conversation with myself in my head.

I wish I made his death more painful and long. Yeah, it's a shame we didn't remember sooner. STUPID ABUSIVE FATHERS! Yeah, get it out. shut up. oh... I'm talking to myself. Yeah I noticed. haha lets stop. Okay.

Okay now I'm just crazy. I finally cleared out the last room where a man was on the phone to someone. When he hung up I knocked his head of and laughed. Finally I had to go to the room at the end of the hall.

I slowly pushed the door open and gasped. Little girls, strung up, some being abused others seemingly asleep and, A LOT of men. The room was dull, slightly dark and I retched at the smell and sight of little girls rotting corpses.

I heard a click and the cold barrel of a gun was held to the side of my head. "Put your hands up," A husky, gruff male voice ordered me.


JK you will have to keep reading and find out what happens next!

1087 words.

peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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