Chapter : 22

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Guys I made a speed paint! Check it out! It's Rumour! ^^^^^^

- Your p.o.v -

I woke up feeling like a flipping butterfly. I lifted my head only to find it was still resting on Eyeless Jack's shoulder. He had an arm around me and we were still propped up against the wall. I guessed he was still asleep so I snuggled into him trying to escape the cool morning air. The curtains on my window were still open and the sun light peered through as if it was peeking at me. Finallyyyyyyyy I'm better. When Ej wakes up I have to thank him. I felt so peaceful in his company. He tightened his grip around me as he slept causing my head to rest on his chest. I laid there and listened to his steady heart beat. I was buzzing with the need to get out of the house but I was okay and at peace laying with Ej.

Wait now I think about this it's super embarrassing. What if somebody walks in or something then what? Oh geez.

I laid there for a good ten minutes staring at my crystal blade in the soft white sunlight. It was a strange knife, first of all it was made of crystal and kind of had like two diamond shapes on top of each other with a handle. It was really pretty in the light. It sparkled.

- Toby's p.o.v (betcha didn't see this coming, wait for the surprise, don't get super excited, I have plans)-

For the first time in a week Rumour actually came down stairs. Eyeless Jack trailed behind her. I was sitting at the table about to dig into my waffles when someone gasped. I looked up at the stairs only to see her dashing down them. "H-hey!" I called out smiling. She lifted her mask above her mouth to show me her grin. She sat next to me and he sat on the other side of her. She looked at her food and poked it. We talked lightly while I ate, she ate about a fifth of what she normally eats. I guess she is still cautious or just not hungry.

Her skin is so pale, her lips are so light. I can't help but wonder what she's been through. She never tells us her story or only bits of it. It's almost been a year since she's joined us. We all know she's hiding stuff from us, some know more then others. She stopped taking her mask off, even for Jane. What ever, I'm still gonna do it today. She is practically bouncing with excitement to get out, I am too, but that's more normal for me. I finished my waffles fast like usual then sped off to get my gear.

When I came back down stairs she was gone. I went to her room and knocked on the door repeatedly. Until someone clubbed me over the back of my head, I don't feel pain but I knew someone touched me, and it was hard since my head rammed into her door. I turned around to see Jane standing there. I opened my mouth to say something but she hit me again. "Listen," she hissed. I thought she was gonna say something but rather I heard the faint running of water. Oooh, she's in the shower. My cheeks grew hot from embarrassment and Jane hit me again. We started bickering until a surprised Rumour opened the door and walked into the back of me, surprising me, making me fall over. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" She exclaimed grabbing my shoulders and hauling me to my feet. Geez she's strong, I guess it's from swinging that scythe around. "H-hey come o-on! S-slender gave us a m-mission!" I exclaimed. "Yes," she cheered quietly. She walked back into her room and pulled her hoodie on, she already had her skive and jeans on. Then she grabbed her weapons and I practically dragged her outside.

We walked through the gateway trees, or as I like to call them, the magical portal trees. We had to go to this place where this man had finally tracked down slender mansion. All dandy right? Except he brought body guards and a lot of them. As well as cops and that.

Rumour and I silently stalked through the forest. She looked at me before motioning something was ahead and sure enough there he was. No more then 10 minutes away from the portal trees. It was worse then Slender described.

I was trying to think of a plan and I didn't notice Rumour had climbed the trees directly above the main tent where the guy slept. Then she dropped, everything went silent, you could have heard a pin drop. Then there was a large squelch as her scythe went straight through the flattened tent and into the sleeping figure. Every guard and policemen turned towards her with guns. She was screwed, she carefully raised her hands above her head. I ran to help her but more grabbed me. I ticked and twitched nervously. Then her head snapped my way and all I saw was this crazed look in her eyes. She stomped on the end of the scythe and it ripped out of the corpse. She caught it mid air and kept at the men. I struggled to get away from the men. All you could hear was the fires of guns and the slicing of the blade. But if you listened even more carefully you could hear an insane laugh passing her lips. She was enjoying this, it was almost terrifying.

I finally managed to break free and together we killed every man on sight. Rumour went up the the guy who hired all these guys and ripped his dead corpse out from under the tent. She cut him open and wrenched his heart out. She stabbed the organ and blood went everywhere. I could hear her laughing. Then she wrote her saying on a tree. Geez she was hardcore. Did she plan that? She was shaking a little when I got up to her, she flinched when I tapped her. She looked at me for a second then got an idea or something because suddenly she was dragging me back through the portal trees. We were back in slender forest but she didn't take me back to the mansion. Rather she dragged me deeper into the forest.

Finally she pulled me into a clearing and I gasped. There was a beautiful lake, with a glistening waterfall and pretty roses and violets growing around the edge. She let go of my arm and walked over to a patch of pretty pink tulips I didn't see until I followed her as they were hidden behind a rose bush. She sat down on a rock in the middle and looked up at me. I sat down and put an arm around her. "It's beautiful," I breathed. She simply nodded. Ok now was perfect. Just do it, just do it! Toby don't hesitate. I started ticking nervously. "U-um R-r-rumour?" She looked at me questionably, "y-yeah?" She spoke softly. I gulped audibly and she looked at the ground.

"I-I-I like you! Will you, go out with me!" Though I didn't see it her eyes widened.

Cliff hanger dammmnnn

1228 words.

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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