Special thx for over 700 views (altogether) (special chapter)

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I looked at mom, she was smiling again. That's not good, she doesn't have a nice smile. Her smile is ugly, its evil, it's cruel.

The worst part was she was smiling at me.

"Oh honey! I found a cure," she said in a venomously, sickly sweet voice that made me want to toss up my breakfast.

I started shaking as she neared me with a blue bottle.

"F-f-for what...?" I asked hesitantly.

He smile turned into a sick grin.

"All those pesky memories that you might tell people about in the future," she giggled. I scooted back in my seat.

"Oh hon it's okay, we might just make you OD while we are at it for killing that boy," my eyes widened.

"I'm only seven! I don't wanna die," tears poured down my cheeks.

"Hahaha, oh sweety I think your plenty old enough."

I jumped out of my seat and ran for the door. Only for it to swing open. My father stood in the doorway, when he saw me a grin broke across his face. I fell on my butt and scooted away, shivers were running down my spine and fear was clenching my heart.

"Oh just what I needed to cheer me up after a bad day, my gorgeous little girl."

The tears were flowing from my eyes and I continued to scoot away as he took off his fedora and black coat. I ran into something and hesitantly looked up to see my mother looming above me. I jumped to my feet and made a dash for the glass sliding doors. I was so close... just a little further. I let out a shrill scream as a hard force slammed into my back making me collide with the door. I had been kicked. My father laughed and picked up my frail body. I whimpered and closed my eyes as he undid his belt again. How many times have I seen this? I screamed a blood curdling scream and he slammed my body onto his. He clamped a hand over my mouth and laughed. My mother watched, laughing too.

I felt the tears prick at my eyes, THEY WILL PAY one day, one day. My father grunted and moaned one final time and I cried out in pain. Then he dropped my body and sighed, doing his pants up and laying on the couch. I hit the floor hard and my mum started to make her way over to me. I struggled to my feet and tried to crawl away. She grabbed me and forced my mouth open. She tipped the bottle's contents down my throat then dropped me, allowing me to hack up a lot of the liquid, slowly drowning in it.


Every thing was a blur, I could hear beeps, screaming, yelling and I could see white. I couldn't remember who I was, where I was, what I was doing. I felt my body jolt and I hear coughing, I guessed I was the one coughing. My vision cleared and I saw white sheets, a white bed, a white room. I was coughing up a strange bluey white liquid. Soon it turned red and I was hacking up blood. Tears poured from my eyes as nurses and doctors rushed around me. I looked around the strange room as things slowly came back to me. I'm (y/n), yeah, I'm seven, yeah. This is... a ... a hospital! Why am I in a hospital? I continued to look around the room until my eyes rested on two people. Sitting on chairs in the corner of my room. I don't know who they were but I felt a shiver run down my spine upon looking at them.

The hospital people told me they were my parents and I was horrified to know I would have to go home with those dreadful people who sent shivers down my spine. The doctors told me I was shopping with my mum in a chemist and I got a hold of some medicine that makes you forget stuff. I chugged the whole thing down and my mum didn't know until we got home. I died twice but was luckily revived by the hospital people. I was found when neighbours reported screaming coming from my house. Apparently my mum was in the shower while I was playing with blocks and didn't hear me screaming for help. My father wasn't home from work at the time.

I looked at the people who were meant to be my parents. Something told me, none of that was true but I didn't push it.


Slowly over time I started to remember stuff. The day I remembered stabbing that kid to death I was very scared. My mum said we were moving in a few years because it would be better since I would have grown up. We changed my name to enrol into my new school when we moved a few years later.


Now I'm immortal, I'm a creepypasta, and I'm actually happy. I have Masky and Hoodie. I have all the other Creepypastas. But best of all.

I have a family.

Not those people who fed me up on pills and whispers and lies. Not the ones I left in the cold. No people who I care about.

And I smiled.


Thank you so much for all your support during this book!

This was a special chapter about Rumour's past.

I hope you enjoyed it!

If you liked this book, check out my eyeless Jack x reader book, it actually has a plot.

XD thanks again everyone!

Untitled_hearts ;)

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