Chapter : 13

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- Your p.o.v -

It's been a week since my hallucination, and things have changed. For one I am a lot closer to Gold, Masky has been acting up around me, laughing Jack and puppeteer. Toby asked me on a walk. I'm a little confused to be honest.

So I prepared myself for a walk. I pulled on a black shirt with a wolf pattern on the front, a grey hood less sweat shirt, some black jeans, and my usual black converse. I brushed my hair out and put my mask on. I looked in the mirror and sighed before checking my wrists and pulling my black gloves back on. No one in the mansion has seen me without them. I plan to keep it that way. Even Jane seemed to leave them when she washed my clothes, the first night I got here. I slipped my crystal blade in my belt loop, pulling the sweat shirt over it. For reassurance, just in case, I thought. Thank god this sweatshirt is baggy. I laughed a little at my own thoughts before running downstairs and out onto the porch.

The afternoon sun peeked at me in a blinding way. Luckily my mask shielded me from getting my eyes sizzled. I snicker at the thought of a person having fried egg eyes. "Whatcha laughing about?" A familiar voice broke my daydream. I quickly stopped staring at the sun. Black and green blotches clouding my sight. Someone poked me and I looked up to see Toby, grinning under his mouth guard. "I swear sometimes you could have a competition with Grinny or Smile and win," I muttered shaking my head. "His smile widened even more and for a split second I thought he was Jeff. Then he turned on his poker face and did that thing where you raise one eyebrow. He shoved me back inside, "get changed~" he wined. "I'm not in my pyjamas!" I retorted. "In your outfit, I mean! And grab your weapons." I looked his straight in the eye, "Why?" The word came out cold and empty. He quickly averted my gaze and shuffled on the spot awkwardly, "it's a surprise," he mumbled. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to change. I wonder what that's all about.

I grabbed a piece of toast this time, on my way out the door. Jeff asked me to pass his knife, I smirked and grabbed it, I threw it and it landed a few millimetres away from his face in the wall. He jumped back in surprise and growled. I laughed, if I wanted to hit him I could have, I have good aim. Then I continued out the door. I sat on the porch and ate my toast.

I got up, I haven't seen Toby. Maybe he ditched me. I rolled my eyes and started walking through the forest. I heard a crunch of leaves and twigs in front of me. I sprung up in surprise grabbing a tree branch and climbing up. I scaled the trees and headed towards the figure. People aren't allowed in slender forest. We are under orders to kill any trespassers. I held my scythe close. I squinted my eyes and saw the familiar silhouette of Toby. I rolled my eyes and scaled a tree above him. I held the branch with my legs and dropped upside down in front of him. "Surprise motherfucker!" I yelled. He fell back in surprise. I blushed realising how daring I've been today, that's not like me. I usually feel so shy. Hmm, it's probably because everyone has been acting up. I pulled myself back into the tree and dropped to the ground.

- Toby's p.o.v -

She scared the fuck out of me. I kind of sat there stunned. She dropped down from the tree and held her hand out to help me up. I hesitantly grabbed her hand and tried to pull her down with me, she was prepared though and lifted me to my feet with a sudden jerk. I rolled my eyes and we started walking. "You ditched me," she whispered almost to herself. "I was gonna come back," I answered. I looked at her and our eyes met. I can't tell the colour of the orbs under her mask. It casts shadows over her eyes so no one knows what colour they are. I wonder if she has a reason for the mask. I realised I had been staring and we both quickly looked away.

She sighed as we got closer to the edge of the forest. "Everyone is acting up," she said in a sad way. It's true, Masky hasn't yelled at me all week. He's to busy avoiding Lj, Rumour and Puppeteer. "Don't worry," I said reassuring. I lead her along the edge of the forest, finally we reached a blue house. The paint was peeling and the windows were boarded. It looked uninhabited, but I know someone lives here. "Why are we here?" She questioned. "It's a mission," I said grinning, her eyes widened and she tackled me into a hug. She hasn't been able to go on a mission with us because of all the drama and I knew how excited she was.

"Okay, we have a group of three people," I said breaking the hug. She nodded. "We have to kill the brown haired and the ginger haired and grab the blonde. We need to question him," she nodded again. "Okay," she breathed. I nodded and we entered the building. It was old and dust was everywhere. She looked around questionably. I nodded towards a door and she tiptoed off to it. I headed towards another. It creaked as the hinges were rusted and old. I could see the faint silhouette of a boy. He was gaming on a DS and as I got closer, I could see his brown hair. Target one, I thought. I swiftly made my way over, "I knew it," the boy said. I took another step, "I saw you before you entered the house." I came closer, what a strange boy. "Toby, would it be rude to call you that? After all you didn't introduce yourself. Whatever, I'm satisfied," and with that the boy broke his DS in half and reached in his pocket. I stopped walking and watched him. He pulled out a knife and was about to kill himself. I pushed it out of his hand, leaping on him. "What are you doing?!" The boy strained. I smiled sickly. "It's more fun if I kill you," I whispered in his ear, he started trembling. I raised my hatchet above my head and hacked away at his body with a final blow followed by a sickening crunch as the boy fell limp to the ground. I yanked my hatchet out of his face. Who will I find next?

Action yasssssss!
1141 words.

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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