i don't care about no brands

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drugs, revolution and smokes
have now become normality,
a never-ending newsfeed o' jokes,
oh lord, oh Samsung®,
where've you taken our reality?

it's subverted, inverted
Happy -- never bored or tired -- Meals®,
we've been murdered, converted
packaged into synthetic ideals
and this mess of what to buy congeals,
obfuscating the Nespresso® percolation
of a petrified heart that longer feels

now, kid, listen up,
if you wanna be an activist,
you gotta stand in line.
wanna defeat the Antagonist?
buy this BIC®  pen
and here's where to sign

the anti-System is a System
and if you're enlistin' for
the As Seen On TV  existence,
then only submission
to Nike®, the goddess,
will run you the distance.

don't worry,
the stars divine will align,
but only when you'll consign
by thinking counterculture ain't
another culture,

signing a truce with Canada Goose®,
shunning off-brand pariahs,
for not having plastic desires,

when you're always having sex,
and never making love,
'cause you don't make you buy,
you're hungerin'
for another empty lie
that'll distract you from the
paperwork eating you out
from the inside.

open up wide for the UHD®
to get that A E S T H E T I C lobotomy,
until you can no longer tell
what part of you is no longer free,
you're a GoPro®  ghost,
stuck inside the machinery
beating against a Retina® display
that took two months of work
for you to able to pay --
away the wolves of an empty life
the strife,
orbital-relayed from
a corporate assessment,
consisting of letters and lines:
perfect right-angle cuts
into a self-hating body
whose goals are poorly defined



--escape from the schizophrenic mixtape
hangin' from a newsfeed like a marionette

and remember,
shun those without a choker.
if you ain't got vintage glasses,
buddy, you're a fuckin' poser
'cause you don't dress
like the rest of us,
if you don't stress about not stressing
then we hate your guts,
you don't mean nothin' to us,
so get fucked.
* * *

O, aesthetic princess,
O, west-coast bubblegum beauty,
i like your tumblr theme
but please snapchat your booty,

Penny® skateboards,
sold for a dollar and a dime
why shouldn't it be a crime
to advertise a bottomless
well inside of your mind
when your take on the world
is by a hashtag defined?

wake up
you can only dream the dreams,
we sell 
pay up
buying discount at an outlet
is a one way trip to hell
fuck up,
run that razor
down your wrist
yeah babe,
puke it up
we don't give two shits

trash is what you are,
you can't ever reach the stars,
they've been bought and sold,
liquidated long ago,
wake up,
buy more,
or else we'll call you whore

you slut.

* * *

O, aesthetic princess,
O, coffee-loving California queen
if you wanna be immortal
for several seconds of forever,
then you'll have to learn to
hide the fact that you're actually clever,

post a couple more quotes
from your favourite Netflix® flick,
post a couple more pics of
your disembodied clit,
i'll say something i don't mean,
get your hopes up, build your self-esteem,
then car-crash your heart,
(but hey, bae, the brick says 'Supreme®')
i'll rape your ribcage,
so you that can't ever scream...

* * *

vaping, faking,
drinking only
AriZona®, Voss®, and blk.®,
and all the pretty labels
that are young and different,
but it's the difference that we lack,

hey, did you see that VEVO® clip,
with all those broodin', misfit
complicated teens ?
god, i love that song!
there's so there's much meaning!
-- swipe my card; I need those jeans.

designer brands are overpriced and lame,
but, boy, if you're not rocking Converse®,
i don't wanna know your fuckin' name.

Pepsi ®,  our Lord and Saviour, lead us
protect us from the fuckbois — fuck tha' noise
i'm open minded, so i buy Adidas®
you can cum inside me if you drive a Royce®

only rebels wear Doc Martin's®
individuals buy Calvin Klein® clothes
yeah, i believe in inner values,
but holy shit, what are those?!

corporations can't convince me,
can't manipulate my mind,
i smoke cigarettes to prove it,
Marlboro® understands my kind.

the world is too judgemental,
consumerism's killing man
i buy Eastpak® 'cause they're simple
shows that i don't care about no brands.

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