six rows of red bows...

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six rows of red bows
shooting flame tipped arrows
into landslide spider's yes
belonging to phantoms
on stilts
gleaming from the gold on
the hilt
on the whistle of fireworks
plaster on a drywall speedboat
tearing through the northern lights
at the great heights of the Himalaya
Mariana labyrinth mint leaves
in an clay flowerpot hotshot
surgical laser blowfly
rolling like a whisper under
the desert in the lavender laces
of liquorice faces metallic like
window panes coated in
orange tar melting
and stretching like parallax
into termite mounds of
hot spring cherry donuts
buzzing and honking like
the pelicans in a coconut hut
on grilled marble tongues
in crackling candy wrappers
felt like cold night time rain
exploding onto curtains caked
in gravel from the barbed wire
inlaid into toxic rocket ships
belonging to the silver rifle
prowling the tundra with succulent
vanilla berries and caramel rhinos
ribcaged against an angry piston
whining like wasps in an acoustic trombone,
leaping, babooning, bambooing,
bullet holes like black holes
like anti-fireflies without their
oceanic quartz cocoon
jammed against a crowd
of submersible theatres
woven into the velvet of
a five-headed spear jutting
out of the sandless, waterless,
waveless beach of many
skyscrapers and lakes and
sparkling crystal balls
and satelliting giraffes
with locusts in
their pockets and chemical
beakers inside of graphite
containers breaking down
the cotton candy shrapnel
pouring out of barrel-shaped
moons and the trout
that inhabit their poker
kingdoms of steroids
and knitted reality tv shows
in the air, up the air, prancing
out of the chimneys belonging
to the disgusting spaghetti-pasta
skinless lips of raw muscular
opium and cocaine and morning
dew in the jungle they hide in
the pianos with the asphalt keys
of wooden solar arrays that
rely on the garbage collectors
to betray the clinking eggplant
snake with rakes that climb
out of its maw along with all the
human hands and faces and organs
and faeces and laughter and cell phones
with colourful castles on
top of carrot-flavoured
woodpecker corpses
and snowflakes that scream if you
make them wear the lightning
leather crown fashioned
by the black-feathered birds
and the red-eyed SHAPE that
always watches through the mirror
when mechanical panthers
turn around to tunnel
through their inadequate thumbs
precisely on an erupting volcano
where the ash looks like
tiny little puzzle pieces
fitting into a sarcophagus of digestive
fluids and red melted candle wax
smeared onto the pale bark
of a floating iceberg lodged
within the chest of a soldier
vomiting neckties and brooms.

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