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but why an autumn leaf falling?
why not a bulldozer unloading trash?
what does the cloudless sky contain
which we can never synthesise, assemble, sell?

listen to the chirping birds!
there? you hear it?

You need no answer to the Questions
You need a world to inhale
so that the sky can wheeze into stars
like a fat-cheeked cupid on the
edge of an Austro-Hungarian map,
only this cupid has asthma, perhaps.

still, he's trying
more than most of us would,
could you ever get the
bobbling ball to the top
of the graduated pipe?

a crowd of young pipes
with their whole lives ahead of them
throwing their graduation hats
into the air,

i wonder what degree a pipe
would get?

like, would being a plumber
be a medical thing or a sexual thing?

don't get me wrong, i'd be cool with pipes coming to life. at least they wouldn't melt when winter's over and ruin my scarf. but, like, would they be cool with it?

how awkward would it be when we introduce our cylindrical friends to the world of sentience and they're all impressed by our toilets and church organs and they say 'wow! that's amazing, how does it work?'

figures. we discover intelligent life in our leaky basement and now there's a situation.

that's how people in the military always talk, isn't it? it's always 'we eliminated the Adversary', rather than 'we shot 17 people with guns and killed them. one of them didn't die straight away and he bled a lot. his tortured screams will harrow me for the rest of my life and i've now developed an uncontrollable urge to chop tree stumps in the shape of my stepdad's face'

maybe it's for the better. would it be wishful thinking to say that war-lingo could become so unbearably grim that everyone would stop fighting? i mean, think what we could achieve if we all worked together. all sorts of crazy shit.

we could join hands and slingshot ourselves into a commercial airliner, we could simultaneously flush our toilets. maybe that's what Moses was about?

what if the Bible is actually about the future and the last two humans will be Adam and Eve like a mixtape in reverse. then a violent bearded man shoves Eve into Adam's ribcage and he uncreates the world in seven days because reasons, but especially Charles Darwin.

what if he'd be so vengeful that he'd leave Charley behind, floating over nothingness, while the rest of the Space-Time continuum puckered into itself like a very-not-alright anus?

have you ever thought about that? the place outside the Universe? it's not really a place, is it? really, if such a not-place lacks space and time then it's infinitely small and/or infinitely large, then the big bang never really happened, did it? our universe isn't expanding if it's taking up the same amount of space outside its boundaries, it's a wobbling dot in a primordial ocean of indifferent tar. what if every golfball contains a universe? what if my testicle houses a gnome? would the gnome know that they're the guest of my gonad?

i also have days when i feel like i'm living in someone else's ballsack. especially when i wake up inside a sleeping bag that's sealed shut. Taiwan was great.

(untitled) -- a collection of experimental poetry [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now