a man could go mad

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buckshot photons
ricocheting in swarms

a violent cataclysm
occurring in the microsecond
after the light switch

a man could go mad
considering the hidden processes
in the in-between
of seconds

a man could go mad
considering the trembling
molecules and atoms
composing every surface
every wall, every pore,
motion inside motion
without a moment of

a man could go mad
the screaming nosedives
of each electron

a man could go mad
attempt to vaporise the
squelching hairy eyelash
crawling over his body

the world is invisibly screaming
neutrinos burrowing into my skin
my soul is constantly defiled
by penetrating nauseating
radio waves and radiation

we're all
tilting and turning on
a giant cosmic rollercoaster
hanging over emptiness

do you hear
the footsteps of those forces
that throw around
portions of the Universe
like playthings?

(untitled) -- a collection of experimental poetry [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now