Chapter 17 • Attacked by Sparkles!!!

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The split second the whistle was blown, each of the girls threw the ball they were holding. I saw a lot of boys dodged the balls and they started picking the balls up to return the favour. I watched everything as the adrenaline rushed through my veins. Its time to unleash The Beast.

Balls were flying around and people were getting hit. I saw one boy not paying attention and I hit him with the ball on his side. I bet that the wind was knocked right out of him because I saw him clutching his side. I picked up a ball and as I bent down, I actually dodged a ball that was aimed at my head. I looked up to see the Four looking at me as well.

I got the ball in my hands and I threw it furiously at Jaden and I was lucky that it hit his calf with a satisfying 'smack' sound. Brian, one of the other boys thought he could hit me, huge mistake. I swiftly dodged his ball that was coming my way and I blasted his arm with a ball that was lying around on the floor.

The girls and some boys were dropping out like flies. Alex was trying to talk to Jordan so I took the opportunity and I threw the ball aiming for his chest. Unfortunately by the grace of the guacamole, it hit his butt instead. Alessia and a few other girls were doing well until they were hit by Jordan and Dylan. Fred tried getting some type of revenge on me by throwing a ball at me.

I didn't notice the ball so I panicked. I threw the ball I was holding into any direction and I thank the carrots that the ball I threw hit Fred's ball then Fred's ball bounced back to hit him. I caught Jordan off guard by throwing a ball at him while he was trying to hit another girl and it hit his chest. I succeeded and I looked around to see how many people were left on the court. There were about three girls and four boys, wait no scratch that, one just got hit, three girls and three boys.

This was nothing but war. I thew a ball over to Jordan but he dodged it. I saw Dylan trying to throw a ball over at me but I caught it and I used the force that came from the ball to throw it back at Jordan. He wasn't lucky this time because the ball hit his chest and it knocked the air right out of him. I wasn't concentrating and a ball came flying my way. I moved over to the side then the ball hit another girl. I didn't even notice that I was the only girl left. I took a ball with one hand and I hit the other boy where the sun don't shine. And no, I'm not talking about the armpits.

I heard him groan in pain and I looked up at Dylan. He was just throwing balls at me but I was fast enough to dodge them. I knew exactly what to do and I threw a ball at him. He smirked when the ball missed him by hitting the wall instead. But little did he know I was using the boomerang method. The ball bounced off the wall and it hit him right at the back of his head.

This game was relatively fast and I looked over to the sides and I just saw people socialising either on their phones or with each other.

Coach blew the whistle to signal that the game was over. I caught my breath before I walked over to my bag to get a drink of some water. I looked at the Four, each of them were trying to attend to each of their own ailments that were caused by Yours Truly. I got my bag and I was about to get out of the gym but then...

"Hudson!" Coach called me. I turned around and I walked over to him.

"Yes Coach?" I asked

"Good game. You did great out there." He smiled

"Thanks to you."

"That boomerang effect that you used to take Peterson out, genius."

"Thanks." I looked down

"What about you join one of the basketball teams?"

"Coach, I've already told you this, I don't like basketball."

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