Chapter 9 • Bae's, Boo's And Basketball Shoes.

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Dedicated to: karabolinda

Alex's POV

I woke up to remember that I'm not at the luxury bedroom that I have. I remember that I'm at a girl's house which is pretty ironic because I usually have the girls wake up at my house, *wink* *wink*.

I looked at the room that I was in and I found it refreshing. The black, white, grey and red really makes it look classy. I slipped out of the black and white comforter and let me feet touch the cold wooden white floors. I saw Jaden sprawled out on his bed with almost the entire comforter on the floor.

I feel sorry for his future wife... come to think about it I feel sorry for both their wives.

I first ran a hand through my hair, yawned and then walked around to get a better look around the room. There's a grey curtain and behind the curtain there is also has a huge window and a glass door that leads to the balcony.

I went to the closet and opened it. It just had different sections for different clothing items, which is very simple compared to the one at my house. The closets, dressing table, drawers are all a mahogany brown. When I checked one of the drawers, I found a chocolate bar in it.


Dylan and the twins must still be asleep. I went back and sat on the bed and took my phone. I checked if there was any wifi, but there isn't any.


This is going to be a long morning... I decided that I should take a shower so I got out of the room and soon found the bathroom right across the bedroom door.

I took my toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel etc, and went into the bathroom. The bathroom's main colour is mint green and the walls are white tiles. In the bathroom, there's a few white cupboards and a towel rack that is close to the door. After I took a shower and brushed my teeth, I then wore my black sweatpants that I took when I came into the bathroom. Before I got into the room I heard music coming from downstairs, but I shrugged it off and I made it back into the room.

I entered and saw Jaden sitting on his bed while scratching the back of his head.

"When did you shower?" Jaden asked while yawning

"When you were knocked out." I walked over to my bag

"Where's the bathroom?" He asked

"The first door you see when you get out."

Jaden then got up and out of the room to take a shower. But before I did anything, I heard him open the door next to ours - where the others are sleeping - and shout 'Wake up you fuckers!!!'. I chuckled and then told him to close the door that he left open.

By the time that Jaden finished and came back onto the room, I was wearing my black basketball shorts and my white Nike Air shoes and was laying on my bed playing Candy Crush Saga™... hanging upside down from the bed.

What? You can't blame a brother for getting bored.

"Look away! You perv!" Jaden screeched clutching a fluffy white towel around himself.

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