The unwanted child

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Chapter one: the beginning

"You're coming back right " I asked my father as he dropped me off at my moms for the summer.

"Yes sweetie I'm coming back " my Dad told a ten year old me....

He never came back he left and moved away with my Step Mom to start a family,My Mom didn't want me so she sent me away to an orphanage.


I was sitting under my favourite tree writing in my journal , and no It's not a diary. I only write poems in it. I mean what's the point of giving your bullies a entire book to use against you.?

Sorry I didn't tell you about me ,My name is Sam I have black long hair and electric blue eyes I'm 17 almost 18 I have a few friends no family and have been bullied for six years I'm stuck in a orphanage, I Became a YouTuber at 15 when I was able to afford a camera, I love to penny board and am tomboyish .... but you all probably don't care anyways.

I got up from my tree and started to walk to my so called "home". Once I was in my room I got my camera and was going to make a video for my fans.


Ello everyone today I'm going to focus on the saying every one tells you,

"You are what you eat "

which I have found out is a lie!

Because I bet a lot of us eat chips but we aren't all thin

And I know we some times eat a donut or two but we aren't always sweet

And what about ice cream I know we all eat that but we aren't always cold are we now.

So the saying "you are what you eat " is a lie

I really don't have a lot of time today so I'm going to say goodbye and don't forget to comment and subscribe! thank u!

End of video

I blurred my face out so no one knew who I was and uploaded it on YouTube for my fans to see, My YouTube name was theunwantedchild.

After I uploaded it I got ready for work Wearing A Starbucks shirt and some shorts with a few things to go with it I grabbed my name tag and phone grabbed my penny board then went to walk out of the orphanage but the witch and her sidekicks walked in front of me "were do you think your going freak" She asked spiting out the word freak

"Work were I make real money unlike you " I replied as calmly as I could.

She huffed and turned to her sidekicks "see girls I told you she wasn't going on a date .. No boy will ever like a freak like her" she spat out and walked away..

I sit there in silence until I laughed and walked out the door throwing my board on the ground riding to work, I work at a small music store with all kinds of music from new CD's to old records.

When I get there I put my board in the back and went to sit by my best friend Gage behind the counter , I only have guy friends cause girls cause to much ....drama.

"Hay Gage was up " I say sitting by him

"Hello Sam it's a slow day to day " he said reading he's comic book.

"Ok well I'm going to go sort out the CDs" I say getting up and going to them.

About ten minutes into sorting out the CDs the bell on the door rang I looked up at who walked in to see....... kian lawly and Sam pottorff my eyes nearly popped out of my head .

" Hi how may I help you " I asked trying to stay calm

" Hi um we saw a girl a little back on a penny board we thank she came in here we need to talk to her have you seen her" Sam asked

I started to laugh.

"Yea and why would that be " I asked

" We want to ride around town with her" kian said

" Well I'm that girl but I have to work ..." I sighed

"TUC go ahead I'll watch the store " gage said I ran over hugged him and kissed his cheek "thanks Gage " I smiled and grabbed my board.

We walked out side.

"Do you know who we are " kian asked me

"Yea youtubers I blog to " I said smiling

"Really what's your name by the way " Sam asked me

" I can't say but I go by TUC if you think hard enough you'll figure out why " I say and we head off penny boarding.....


Those of you with my book I know I changed but I thought this would be better hope you enjoy!!!!!

Love you all ,

Katie Mae TUC

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