Chapter thirty

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Sam's aka TUC'S POV

They all looked at me confused "Wait wait wait ... she has amnesia " the guy who's name I still don't know asked gage with shock in his eye. "yes Patrick she has amnesia" Gage said looking me in the eye, his emotion was hard to read I didn't know if he was confused mad or disappointed...

Me and Rachel spent the rest of the day talking and Gage has been ignoring me for reasons I don't even know.


Gage's POV

It kinda hurt that she remembered Rachel before me... I mean after all I was there for years when no one else was and she doesn't remember me... I bet she's just pretending to not remember me ... maybe she doesn't love me anymore...That thought hurt more then a knife in my back, there's no way she doesn't Love me anymore and she not faking amnesia , it's just I'm sad and hurt and I miss her so much. She is here with me physically but she's not my Sam at the moment.

"Sam.. "I called her name hoping she could hear me. "yes gage " she called back "can we talk for a second.." I asked nervously I don't want to do this... but I have to I thought as she walk in "yea" she asked sitting on the bed. I toke in a deep breath and looked at her "Sam if you remember we were dating before the accident ... And I put it on brake... well I ...uh I think I should brake it off completely until you remember... I've also arranged for me to go back to Cali because it hurts me not to be with you... or well it hurts me more when you don't remember me ... "I finished in a rush. "ok well I respect your wishes." she said with a straight face. she only has a straight face when she's confused or upset. "I'm sorry" I said standing up and walk out the room to the lobby were my taxi is waiting to take me to the airport..

Sam's aka TUC'S POV

I don't know if I've ever had a brake up or if I know what it feels like or what it was like being with gage but I do know that when he walked out the door with his suitcase and didn't look back something shattered in me...

And I now know that it some times takes a painfully situation to trigger a tragic memory to cause lost memory's to come back to us.

And that's exactly what happened to me each memory as if I was watching a movie then everything went black as if some one just turned the TV off..


When I woke up it was dark out. "Patrick !!" I yelled causing him to rush into the room panicked "yes" he asked confused" wait you remember my name"I looked at him worried "how long have I been asleep??" I asked him standing up. "about two or three hours" he said "why?". "And were Is gage" I asked him urgently. "he's on a plane back home why.." he asked me.

"I'm to late to tell him I love him.." I sat down remembering our kisses, remembering our hugs, remembering the way he made me smile...



Remember I need at least 6 votes on this chapter and the next of you want a sequel!!

Comment !!




Katie mae

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