Chapter nine

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Chapter nine



Gaby's POV:

Flashback to Starbucks:

Yayyyyyyy time to see Tuc I can't wait! Ok Gaby think what should you wear. What should I wear....

"Oi! Gaby what are you going to wear" Lex screams from her room. Yes me and lex live together we are basically sisters. I'm just Puerto Rican and she's Asian.

"No se que voy a poner Chicka" (I don't know what I'm going to wear girlie) I basically yell over the music blasting in her room. Yes she understands me after 12 years of being best friends.

"We should go matching" her words send a shock of fashionista to come out and I pull out two cute outfits faster than someone can say YouTubers.

My outfit was a striped half shirt that had long sleeves with long light blue jeans. I had an anchor necklace and ombré blue vans. To top off my outfit I did a light gray smoky eye with light pink lipgloss and a beanie. For lex I gave her a gray tank top with a striped flowy tank top and some high waisted ripped light blue shorts. I also gave her a flower bow necklace with a JE T AME beanie and some ombré blue boat shoes. I gave her a naked pink lipgloss and a dark smoky eyeshadow to top her outfit off.

I was done in half an hour and we still had 15 minutes to get to Starbucks which was 5 minutes away so we grabbed our boards mine is a vintage cruiser board and hers is a normal skate board. We have a huge collection of boards from penny boards to longboards due to our jobs.

Anywayssss I'm getting off track, again. Lexi and I skate around the block and down the street to the Starbucks we both laugh once we get inside due to me beating her to the door. I place my board next to my chair and we just talk while waiting once Tuc gets there I grab everyone's orders while Lex and Tuc talk and it seems like this is just natural for us. I sit down with everyone's orders and they basically attack me for them so I give them each of there orders. And as I flip my long red sea salt sprayed hair over my shoulder and take a sip of my double chocolate chip frappé. Not even 15 minutes later I see the one guy I have always had a crush on Sam freaking Pottorff. I see him walk in with Trevor Moran one of the most amazing singers out there.

"Oh hey didn't know you were here with such lovely lady's" sam says looking me right in the eyes so my cheeks heat up without my noticing. Then the weirdest thing happens he sits by ME little ole me. He didn't pay attention to anyone but me! My bangs as usual got in my eyes so I went to flip it out of the way but he beat me to it ending up with me blushing. I take a quick sip of my drink to hide the blush and he chuckles making me blush more.

"Do you like making me look like a tomato cause that's kind of what's happening ." I shyly say looking through my bangs.he moves then out of the way and laughs say yep.

"Why I look like a clownish tomato"

"No you look adorable" I huff my bangs out of the way as I give him a playful glare trying to hide the blush.

"Do not"

"Do to"

"Do not "

"Do to what's it going to take to prove it to you" he asks without thinking.

Without thinking I blurt out "take me on a date" I blush 50 shades of red and probably look like jo-jo the clowns twin sister with red hair. I peek through my bangs and see him blushing which I internally awed at.

"Ok it's a date" he says so only I can hear. But those words made my head move to fast I probably looked like a bobble head.

"Are you serious Sam"

"Totally serious and do you board Gabs"

"Um do you not see the board next to me"

"Awesome give me your number so I can text you what to wear for our date."

"Erm gimme your phone" he hands his phone over unlocked an I give him mines unlocked so he puts his in mine and I put mine in his phone under Red Velvet Cupcake <3.

He texted me for the next day to go out with him to an ice cream shop an we hit it off. Lee hung out for the rest of the week and by the next week asked me to go with him on a road trip and I sated yes.

Flash Forward:

Me and Sam have been texting all week and about our trip which is a hour before sunset I wonder where we are going. He said it's a place I love to be at 24/7. He also told me to have a tank top on and some shorts and just I case to put on a bathing suit. I put on a half tank top that said LOVER and my high waisted shorts that were white and blue acid wash. Underneath was a white and blue bathing suit that was a bandue top and bikini bottom. I had some white braided sandals that are easily remove able. Sam pulls a car to the front of the house and I grab a floral pennyboard, my cruiser, and a long board. If you haven't noticed now I'm not a big fan of the normal boards. I also grab a bag i already packed full of clothes for a month as I pull my red hair into a high pony tail with some of my bangs out so I can actually see and grab my contacts to pop them in. I place my boards and my bag in the trunk with his pennyboard, duffle bag, and two surf boards. As I sit on the front with him the conversation was animated and fun and if it was quiet it was comfortable.

"We are almost there" Sam says as it has already been 30 minutes of driving and sunset is almost upon us. I can smell salt in the air so I get so excited since I love the beach. It's supposed to be a full moon tonight too.

He pulls up to a beach house where we will be staying at for a week to get to know each other.

"Lex, Tuc, Gage, and the rest of O2L ore going to be down here in 4 days so that's all the time I get to have you alone" I blush at his words and even at night he sees my blush and does all he can to make me blush more.

" Ok so when are we going to have our date" he looks me over before he picks out his bag and the two surf boards.

"Now" I grab my bag and all the skate boards to place them inside . He unlocks the door and I place the boards right next to the entry door.

"Gaby we are sharing my room so put your bag in there." I go outside through the back porch and see a beautiful backyard there were Christmas lights hanging on the trees and the beach was right there. There is a path of rose petals to a table with two seats and Sam is standing there looking cute as usual. It is so sweet and romantic looking. Dinner is amazing he prepared or ordered my favorite food Chicken Parmesan it is so sweet either way. He grabs one surf board and I grab the other after taking off my shorts and tank top and we ran into the ice cold water it is so beautiful.

"It's so beautiful here" I whisper.

"Not as beautiful as you" Sam softly smiles at me.

"Samuel Pottorff you did not just use a cheesy line" I snicker as he sends a playful glare.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't" he slowly gets off his surf board and straddles mine with me. It is a calm night with barely any waves.

"Whatcha doing Sammy" I slowly raise my eyebrow.

"Just looking" he looks at my face as if there's something on it.

"What's wrong with my face"

"Nothing's wrong with your face your absolutely beautiful"



This chapter was writen by

Beautifulbatgirl ~~~

Hope you enjoy

~ love

Katie Mae TUC

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