Chapter fourteen

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Gage's POV:

My heart broke into a million pieces when I saw Sam locking lips with Zach.

I went back into the room Sam chasing me I grabbed my phone and hotel key walking out of the room.

"Gage why are you so upset " Sam asked me frustrated.

I wanted to tell her the truth so bad so damn bad but I didn't have the guts.

"Because you can do so much better then that low life " I said mad.

"Gage it was only a kiss.." she whispered.

"Yea well kisses kill " I said as the elevator door closed leaving her standing there alone

When the doors opened I ran out of the hotel just walking not really knowing were to go.

I spotted a small bakery shop. I could go for a cookie...

As I walked in a little bell went off at the top of the door.

I walked up to the counter seeing a guy about my age with brown eyes and black hair.

"Wow dude you don't look to good you ok " he questioned me.

"Yea just some girl " I said rubbing my face.

"Ahh girl problems I see ok let me grab you a drink and let's chat I'm Chris by the way". he said ringing up my medium cup of hot chocolate and a large chocolate cookie.

When Sam was upset we use to get hot coco and cookies together .....

"Yo Colton cover my shift for me " Chris said taking his apron off and walking around the counter. we sat at a table by a wall.

"You know what you need to do ?" Chris asked me

"Get a life " I laughed

"Yea that too and you should come partying with me tonight there's this sick party going down at one of my friends houses you should come with me let lose met a new girl get some action "he winked and laughed

"Yea man that sounds good I'll join you " I said taking a swig of my drink

I gave him my number he'd said he'd text me the address and time later.

I thanked him and headed out again with my drink in hand.


Sam's aka TUC's POV

I didn't know what to do my best friend was mad because I kissed a guy ! ughh he confuses me.

I sat down in front of the elevator just thinking when it opened I heard laughing I looked up to see the one and only Damon fizzy and a girl next to him.

I stood up going to say hi

"Hey I'm TUC " I said surprising him.

"Oh hey I'm Damon " he smiled shaking my hand.

"I'm a fan of your videos they always make me smile when I need it the most." I said truthfully

"That's good to hear " he smiled.

"Oh and this is katie my girlfriend " he introduce the girl to me she was the same height as me with bright blue hair .

"Hey I'm TUC " I smiled " I love your hair I wish I could steal it " I laughed her joining me

"It's so nice to met you TUC I watch your videos on YouTube I love them so much " She said happily.

"We'll we have to find our room we'll see you later " they waved walking down the hall.

That was kinda awkward haha..

I toke the elevator down to the lobby not knowing what to do.

There already was some girls camped out hoping to see some you tubers.

I walked out and just kinda started walking a few ppl stopped and asked for a pic but other then that it's was peaceful we were in New York city.

I walked in to a sandwich shop and ordered when I got my sandwich I sat down.

"Samantha is that you " some one asked

I flinched knowings who's voice that was. I turned around to looked at them and what I saw made me want to die "Dad..."


Uh oh lol

I made a twitter for the unwanted child


Plz go follow it I'll post sneak peaks and updating times on there !!

Also follow those ordinary girls on twitter and you tube

Twitter > @thosenormalgirls

YouTube > those ordinary girls

I love you all soooo much

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Katie Mae TUC

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