Chapter seven

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Chapter seven



After the other night I've kinda been avoiding Gage and I think he is starting to notice it .

I was getting ready to go to the skatepark with Lexi and Patrick. One of Patricks dumb friends are suppose to meet up with us there.

I was walking out of my room down the hall when I was pulled into a room.

"Why are you avoiding me " Gage's beautiful green eyes stared back at me with hurt written in them. I looked away.

"I'm not " I mumbled

"Well it sure as heck seems like it." He said angrily .

" Why do you care if I'm avoiding you any ways " I said now mad.

He sighed running his hand through his hair.

"Sam what's wrong... your my best friend it hurts me when you avoided me..." he told me looking up at me with his calm green eyes.

"It's just ... It's ..." my words were interrupted by Patrick yelling my name.

" I have to go" I said rushing out of the room.

"Sam ..." he said reaching for my wrists..

I flinched and he let go.

"I'm sorry Sam I forgot " he apologised

"It's ok Gage it's not your fault." I tried to smile.

I sat with my head leaning on the glass of the car window on the way to the skatepark. I can't seem to forget the hurt look in Gage's eyes.

After we picked up Lexi and headed to the skatepark we went to our little hang out under this huge tree.

Me and Lexi were talking when all of a sudden she stopped talking and looked behind me.

"Who's that " she asked not looking at me.

I turned around to see Patrick talking to a tall dude who looked to be nineteen or so.

" I don't know it's one of Patricks friends ...why do you think he's cute " I teased her. she blushed red.

"What you do!!!" I gasped as she blushed more.

"Oh come on let's go say hi " I said grabbing her hand pulling her up .

"No no no " she protested as I pulled her to them.

"Hey I'm TUC this is Lexi " I said introducing us.

The guy laughed " TUC as in tuck isn't that a guys name.. I'm joey " he said

" Nice to met you joey and no it's not a guys name." I said annoyed

"Hey Lexi right " he said turning to Lexi smiling .

"Yea" she said blushing.

I had left those two to flirt while I go and try the pool out.

After a few try's I went to get out as I was climbing out a hand help me up and I looked up into the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen....


Ohhhhh who's the new new guy ... what about her and gage I feel a lot of drama coming up !!!

Love you all !!!

Love ,

Katie Mae T.U.C

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