Chapter four

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Chapter four


Sam's POV:

My phone has been blowing up since last night when we uploaded the video.

Most of it is supports from my fans but there a lot of hate that I don't want but that's life .

I walked down stairs to the kitchen and started to make some breakfast for the guys it was 9 in the morning and no body was up but me. I had finshed making pancakes and was starting on the bacon when patrick came in '' I knew I smelled bacon '' he said happily sitting down still only in sweat pants. I laughed ''wow patrick '' . I finshed up the bacon and set them on the table with the pancakes for every one . '' Don't eat it all I'm going to go wake up gage ok '' I told him as I walked up stairs .Me and gage had work today so we needed to eat and head to work.

I walked up to his door and knocked seeing if he was awake , I got no reply so I walked in ,Gage was sprawled out on his bed with his pillow on his head and his cover half on half off. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. How am I going to wake him up....I ran and jumped on the bed watching as he fell off the bed in a thud I laid back and laughed as he groaned getting up he turned and looked at me wickedly ''Oh sam you shouldn't have done that '' he said walking to me, I jumped up and started to run down stairs I was almost to the kitchen when he got me and started to tickle me ''gage stop '' I tried to say but couldn't while laughing.

''Guys I'm home '' someone yelled gage stop tickling me and I ran laughing knowing who yelled, ''Clayton'' I screamed running and jumping in his arms hugging him ''man I've missed you sam how are you '' he said laughing and hugging me " Oh you know better now '' i laughed as he put me down " how are your sisters " i asked him as we walked into the kitchen " there good.. moms doing better shes working on being a better mom then she was with me ..' he siad gazing off '" hay your perfect the way you are have some bac......patrick were is the bacon I told you not to eat " I said looking at him.

" Hay it wasn't me it was gage" he said point at gage with his hands up to show his justice. I looked at gage to see his eyes wide with panic '' was tasty" he mumbled. I laughed

" Oh we'll we gotta go gage go get dressed I guess unless your going to leave the house in your boxers " I said raising my eyebrow at him .

Gage blushed a deep red "um....uh...Ill be right back " he said running up stairs to his room " well that's a first " I laughed getting my book bag and penny boarded for work .

Me and gage throw our boards on the ground and went on our way to work. As we were passing the beach some guy whistled at me causeing gage to yell back at him '' yo dude she a lady not a dog " I laughed lightly, he turned and smiled at me then turning back around. that was really hot... wait what did I just think .... I can't think like that not now not ever ....


Thanks for reading hope you all like this chapter love every one of you !!!

Love ,

Katie Mae

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