Chapter thirteen

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Sam's (o2l Sam dating Gaby) POV:

Once me and Gaby were in our room together I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to me burring my face in her hair.
She turned around and looked up at me smiling. I was so happy she was all mine I never want to let go of her.
I leaned my face down softly pressing my lips to hers enjoying the moment.
"I love you Gaby " I said for the first time and truly meaning it.
"I love you too" she said leaning her head on my chest
I walked us backwards until we were laying on the bed together I pulled us under the covers and we laid there together as I stroked her hair softly.

After a few minutes I heard her soft snores she sounds like a kitten it's so cute.

I laid there for a while until I remembered what TUC said causing me to shiver. I would never do anything to hurt gabby and I think she knew that but she just had to be the protective one...


Sam's aka TUC's POV

Sunlight hit my eyes causing me to wake up I grumbled and went to roll over but there was no more bed causing me to fall face first to the ground and in the process I ended up hitting Gage in the spot were the sun don't shine..
I jumped up "oh my sponge bob Gage I'm so sorry are you ok!!" I panicked
" Yea I'm fine " he squeaked groaning
"Ahhhhh" he moaned in pain

"Hey TUC I was.....what did you do to Gage " kian walked in

"I fell and hit him in his no no square "
I blushed

"Man are you ok you look pale " kian

"I'm fine I just never knew she hit like a man and I've known her my whole life ...." He groan

"Hey I do not hit like a man " I puffed

He looked up at me and gave me the yea you do look.
I rolled my eyes at him and throw the pillow at him.

"We'll any ways TUC I was wondering if you could dye my hair for me ? " He asked blushes probably because he need a girls help.

"Yea I'll help let me change and get a shower and I'll be out in a minute.

After changing into high waisted shorts a whole hearted sweater and a neff beanie. I slipped on some vans and knocked on Kian's door.

"Hey " he said letting me in.
"So what color do you want" I asked hoping up and down I loves dying hair
" I was thinking purple and blue.." he said with the bottles in his hands "and blonde ..." He finished

"Ohhhh I like that ok sit in the chair " I directed.

After I finished and he loved it I smiled and headed back to my room. I walked in and saw Gage in nothing but a towel his abb's still glistening with water

"Oh my fudge muffins I'm sorry Gage I should have knocked " I said backing our of the room closing the door.

I bumped into some body and when I looked up I saw Zach.
I blushed remembering his kiss.

"Hey" I squeaked out
"Hey beautiful "he said smiling
He put his hands on both sides of my head causing me to blush even more at how close he was.
Next thing I knew his soft lips were on mine.
I kissed him back savouring the moment.
"Hey I'm sorry I should have....." I jumped away when I heard Gages voice
Oh god he just saw me kissing Zach ....


Hope you like
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Katie Mae TUC

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