Chapter twenty

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Crissy's POV

4 years ago Cole and I were split apart because the orphanage they put us in didn't have enough room for both of us. I was sent to a all girls orphange... on the other side of town. They treated me like crap, I was never treated like the other girls. They wouldn't let me see Cole and I never was told he got adopted.

When I was 14 a nice old lady started to pay me for doing chores for her because I couldn't find a job. after saving up I was able to get a iphone. I wasn't suppose to have a phone so I had to use it after lights and when no one was around.

One day I was being bullied so bad .. to the point that I thought of suicide.. I wanted to die so bad I was willing to give up.

But I didn't because I stumbled across tuc on youtube. I dont know why but she made me smile ..she made me want to live. I started watching her youtube videos and I made a twitter account so I could follow her.

Then I heard she was going on Digi tour .. so I worked extra hard to get a ticket to see her. I ended up using all my money. I begged Mrs. Barkly for a ride and she wouldn't take me.

I woke up early and started to walk to Digi tour but I wasn't able to make it in time. And the rest of it is known...

Me and cole had sat there explaining every thing for the past half hour by the time we finished they all had to leave for digi tour.

"Um well Crissys do you and cole want to chill with me today I'm not really doing signings today " TUC asked us

I looked to cole he smiled "yea it's my last day i'd like to spend it with my sisters "

I hugged him. I've missed him so much.

"Ok we'll today is planned lets get going were already late " Gaby said grabbing her things as we all walked out the door .

We were wondering around laughing and visiting youtubers . When TUC got a call from Her dad ..

"Hey guys go have a sit and give me a sec " she said smiling

She talked to her dad for a few min then came back.

"Ok cole we'll dad said you could stay another night but we have to stop by to get clothes for you " she said.

"Now who's up for some food." She laughed


"Well cole I have to take you to get clothes from dads and Crissy you should go find Gaby"

As they left I went to find Gaby as I pushed my way to the front of crazy o2l girl trying to visits them some girl pulled me back spitting in my face "your to ugly for o2l to want to met save us some time and get to the back "

Usual it would have made me cry but I was better then her . " sadly I live with them so they will have to deal with my ugly face " I said digging my way to the front again

"Gaby " I yelled out she looked at me and pulled me to her.

"Hey sweet heart how are you "she smiled.

"I'm good " I smiled back happy to finally have a mom figure in my life.

"That's good "she hugged me

"Can you help me with merchandise for the guys " she asked me picking up a box of shirts.

"Yea" I smiled helping her.


Sorry it's short I'm on vacation and my phones dying .

I love you all!

Love you,

Katie Mae TUC

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