Chapter fifteen

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Sam's aka TUCs POV

I stared at the man who once was my father. I had so many emotions coursing through me.

"Do you mind if I sit here " he said sitting down with out a answer.

"I do mind " I said angrily.

"Look I know your mad because I left but I'm sure your mom toke good care of you " he sighed causing me to laugh.

He looked up surprised.

"What's so funny " he asked.

I stopped laughing.

"Mom didn't tell you ??" I asked

"Tell me what " he asked confused.

"As soon as you left with your little wife mom  dropped me off at the nearest adoption center " I sneered at him.

"I had the best childhood you could imagine dad ... I had no friends but gage, I was bullied, I wanted to give up so bad I had no mom no dad I hated life."

"I didn't know .." he said reaching for my hand.

I pulled it back.

"Yea we'll it dosent matter anymore you only have to live with knowing I'll be in New York for a few days then I'm leaving .." I said

"Samantha I didn't know I swear I wouldn't have left if I knew she would do that " he said upset.

"We'll you left it doesn't matter anymore I'm happy I have my best friends I love my job and I never have to worry about what my family would think" I mumbled

"And my names TUC not Samantha" I stated.

"Sam.. TUC I need to talk to you but I'm very busy can we met for dinner tomorrow night " he asked me.

"I don't know I'll see " I said

"How can I get in touch with you "

He asked.

"Through email " I said writing my email down on a napkin and handing it to him.

"Have a good day john " I said getting up and walking out.


Gage's POV

Sam keeps calling me and each time I ignore her.

Gage I need you ASAP I ran into someone I didn't want to see ever again

Were are you gage ....



Who could she have ran into ...

Oh we'll I'm letting lose and not caring.

I was on my way to the party Chris was telling me about. I could hear it from a block away it was loud and just what I needed. It was chilly out but I don't care in a few minutes my body will be pushed around with other people. As I walked in the music blarred in my ear.

'' Yo Gage man good to see you made it here have some of this'' chris said handing me a red cup.

'' what is it'' I asked

" Dose it matter" he laughed

he was right it didnt matter I just wanted to get wasted tonight. And wasted is what I got.....


Sam's aka TUC's

I couldn't get a hold of Gage he wouldn't answer his phone he wouldn't reply to my text messages either.

It's been hours since I ran in to my dad john I feel as if I'm about to brake I can't take this aghhh. I pulled my phone out knowing excactly who I needed to call.

                Clayton... I really need you

                      XOXO TUC

It  only toke five minutes for my phone to start to ring.

*phone convo between Clayton and Sam aka TUC *

( C- clayton T- TUC )

C- hey you ok every thing ok?

T- No, Gage is mad at me and I ran into my dad ...

C- oh glob how'd that go running into your dad?

T- he never knew she left me at the orphanage she never told him he wants to talk over dinner tomorrow night..

C- I see what did you tell him about dinner?

T- I said I  would see what I had planned and that he could reach me through email

C- why not through text ?

T- I wasn't ready for him to have my number.

C- ok well if you do chose to have dinner with him I wish you the best of luck... now why is Gage mad at you did you listen to what I said before you left..

T- I did we were fine until he saw me kissing Zach he freak out and left he wont answer my calls or text messages I'm worried about him Clayton

C-   whoa whoa whoa hold up who's this Zach guy???

T- I met him at the skatepark when I went with Patrick and Lexi. and we clicked well and I accidently kissed him on the plane and then he kissed me this morning thats when Gage freaked for no reason.

C- He had a reason... you just dont understand.. Look I have to go but if you had to chose would it be the guy you just met or your best friend of years?. just be wise I love you TUC

T- ok love you too goodnight or what ever time it is for you.

*end phone convo * 

What did Clayton mean by he had reason I didn't understand. Why has life suddenly gotten so confusing!!!

I checked my email I had one message and it was from my dad asking me if dinner at 4 at his house was ok.

I checked my schedule for digi tour and it ended for me at 3:30 so that should be ok. I replied telling him that I get off work at 3:30 so that should be ok.

After sending that to him I went to take a shower since it was already almost midnight. I had a feeling that Gage wasnt going to be home until atleast three in the morning so I was going to take a shower and get ready for a long three hours.


sorry it toke so long!!

hope you like it. 

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love you guys sooooo much!!!!!!


Katie Mae TUC 

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