Chapter eleven

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Sam's aka TUC's POV

*phone convo with Gaby and Lexi *

( G~ Gaby L~ Lexi T~ TUC aka Sam )

G & L ~ heyyyy TUC

T~ hey guys I was wonder what time your guys flight was.

G ~ this afternoon I think why ?

T~ cause mines in a few hours I guess we don't have the same flight.

L ~ that sucks

T~ yea it dose I was just checking in I should get in line you know I'll see you guys tonight ok love you!!

G&L ~ ok love you !!!

*end convo*

I was upset that I wouldn't get to be on the plane with them but I would probably fall asleep anyways. I started to walk back to Gage and Zach. Gage look like he was mad but as soon as I saw Zach smile at me I couldn't help but crush on him hard core I mean who wouldn't his hair was that type that you just wanted to run your hands through. His brown eyes were just so hypnotizing I couldn't help but get lost in them... I shook my head to try to focus.

'' We should head in'' I said grabbing my bag and suit case. Digi tour was paying for our plane cost and hotel all we had to do was try to get on the plane on time.


We just got seated I was next to Gage and Zach was a few rows behind us. I leaned my head on Gages shoulder and he laid his on top of mine and held my hand. He knew I didn't like the part when the plane goes up from when we went to florida three years ago to go to disney ever since then he always holds my hand to comfort me.

''Gage do you mind if I sleep on your shoulder'' I asked him pulling out my phone and ear buds.

"No" gage said I plug my head phones in and fell asleep to my chemical romance.


Gage's POV

We've been on the plane for a half a hour and sam was sleeping on my shoulder her hair tickled my cheek and her smell surrounded me.

I've had a crush on Sam since we started high school I don't know why but I just did I started feeling different towards her and for a while I denied it not wanting to ruin our friend ship.

But now it's harder .. now when ever I see her I wish that I could hold her hand every day and call her mine.

I've decided not to tell her what Zach said I don't want her to be upset I think she really likes him.....

After awhile of scrolling through my twitter news feed Sam started to wake up

"Hey sleeping Beauty" I whispered in her ear. She shivered lightly causing me to chuckle.

I watched as she stretched her arms out and yawned.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom" she yawned getting up and moving across my legs rubbing her eyes.

She so sexy when she's tired I wish she was mine ....


Sam's aka TUC's POV

I slide over Gages lap to get to the bathroom still tired and rubbing my eyes and I ended up tripping and locking lips with a stranger when I opened my eyes and they opened theirs I was staring into beautiful brown eyes.....


Hehe sorry ...

Hope you enjoy!!

And you all should go subscribe to

Those ordinary girls on YouTube

It's the two girls gaby and lexis channel that they added me too!!!!we plan on posting introduction video soon!!


Katie Mae TUC

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