Chapter ten

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Chapter ten




It's been a month since the beach house what happened between Gaby and Sam we will never know just that they are together now.

Digi tour is coming up and we all have to go. Gage made it in and the girls are going with o2l cause Gaby is Sam's girlfriend.

Things between Gage and I have gotten worst we bearly ever talk any more and avoids each other ... or more like me avoiding him ..

Zach and I have been texting all week . He's going to digi tour and said he was going to met us at the airport. I can't wait it is going to be a wonderful year digi tour will make up for all the bad things that have happened lately I hope.

Me and Gage were in the living room with are bags saying bye to Patrick and Clayton because they aren't YouTubers sadly. As I was following Gage to the taxi Clayton pulled me aside,

"Hey whatever reason as for why you aren't talking to Gage put it behind you". Clayton told me

" Why " I asked him

" Because gage needs his bestfriend back and so do you... I don't know why you stopped talking to him just that things have changed, I say put it behind and have fun with your bestfriend at digi tour got it" he said seriously

I looked up at him and thought for a moment "Ok Clayton got it" I said pulling my suit case to the taxi and getting in with my carry on bag next to Gage. Clayton and Patrick waved bye to us.

There was a moment of silence till Gage turned to me.

"Gay bacon " he said holding out the sugar coated rainbow strips to me smiling.

I thought for a second of what Clayton said then smiled back .

"Why thank you my kind friend " I laughed eating the candy.

Gage smiled at me a real smile I've missed so much.

I got out my go cam which I'll be using to make a video of my trip.

Hello my beautiful children I'm in a taxi with my best friend Gage I said into the camera pointing it at Gage

We are on our way to the airport for digi tour yay !!! I'll have my go cam to keep up with you guys sorry if it's crappy I laughed well I'll talk to y'all later love you I said closing the camera

My phone buzzed and I toke it out of my pocket. I smiled when I saw it was Zach. I can't wait to see him again.

Can't wait to see you at the airport

Xoxox Zach ;)

I quickly replied to his message and look to gage.

"Still can't believe I'm going to Digi tour with my best friend" I laughed nudging his shoulder.

"Yea it feels like a dream" he told me smiling.


We finally arrived at the airport and Gage and I had gotten our things out when I heard some one yell out TUC I turned around to see Zach I ran laughing to him and jumped up and hugging him.

"Hey beautiful" he said causing me to blush.

"Hey " I giggled getting down and dragging him to Gage

"Gage this is Zach I met him at the skatepark a while back he's going to Digi tour with us" I explained, Gage didn't look to happy he had this look in his eyes ... Is that jealousy ... No it can't be I shook it off .

"Zach this is Gage my best friend since diaper days " I laughed lightly.

"Nice to met you " Zach said offering Gage his hand to shake.

"Likewise " Gage said shaking his hand firmly.

"Hey I have to call Gaby " I told them walking off to call Gaby.


Gage's POV

I was so happy Sam was finally talking to me I couldn't help smiling all the way to the airport.

That was until she jumped into ..what ever that guys name is arms.

I couldn't help but be jealous.

She had left to go call Gaby to see what was going on when Zach turned to me

"So have you banged her yet ? " Zach asked smirking at me.

"What no dude she's my best friend ! " I said frustrated.

" I can't wait to bang her. get her in bed and ditch " he smirked

"Dude that's not right " I said mad he would even think of treating her like that.

"Why not she's just a girl she'll get over it " he said laughing. He had the nerve to laugh!

" She's not JUST a girl " I nearly yelled at him.

"Dude calm down " he said

I was about to tell him off but Sam walked back to us and when Zach smiled at her she looked at him like when a girl likes a guy.

I wish she looked at me like that....



Hope you all like this chapter I'm in the mood to write I may or may not add another chapter today vote if I should !!


Katie Mae TUC

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