Chapter twenty four

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TUC aka sam's POV

" Are you guys all packed" I asked Gage, Cole, and Crissy.

We were all heading out on a six hour drive to some place by Boston and we needed to be in the van by seven pm and it was six fifty and they still weren't finished.

" You have five minutes " I rushed them .

"Done " Gage said kissing my cheek.

"Done " Cole and Crissy said at the same time causing them to laugh.

I closed the door and dropped the key off at the front desk.

We all climbed into our van after saying hi to our driver David.

"So who's excited to be stuck in here for six hours " david asked laughing

We all groaned trying to get comfy.

I was snuggled up next to Gage in the back seat and the twins had there feet up on the seat in the front row with there back to the windows.

"Every one buckled " David asked

"Yea " we said as he start to drive behind O2L's tour bus which Gaby and Lexi were also on.

I was drinking some water when David stopped at a red light causing water to go up my nose. I start coughing and all Gage did was laugh, after I was able to breath I glared at Gage.

"What ??" he asked laughing

"You now what " I glared at him.

"Sorry " he said with puppy dog eyes.

"Nope not going to work your mean " I said looking away playfully

"Awe but it was funny." he protest

"No it's not I was choking on water !" I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry " he said hugging me

"Awwwweee" Crissy cued.

"They are so cute." Cole agreed

I blushed as they teased us and hide my face

" Crissy look we made her blush " Cole exclaimed hitting Crissy arm

"owe !" she yelp holding her arm " that hurt" she looked over at him.

" oh don't be a sissy " he said rolling his eyes.

" but I am your sissy " she laughed and hugged him.

" awwwww " Gage laughed

"they look so cute " I mocked laughing

" hey thats not fair" they glared

Gage and I laughed looking at them pouting.

" I think you guys should try to get some sleep" I suggest.

They groaned

"Come on guys tomorrow will be a long day." Gage agreed.

"Fine fine but only cause I know you guys just want alone time ...or as close as you can get." Cole laughed closing his eyes.

"Fine" Crissy agreed


About ten minutes later we heard snoring.

I looked up at gage smiling.

He looked down at me.

"What? I'm going to sleep" he smirk turning over.

"Fine fine if you want " I tease going to turn over when he smirked pulling me close and kissing my lips.

" I love you Sam " he smiled blushing a little.

I blushed he ..he loves me.

"I lo..." Just as I was about to say I love you Every thing went black and I could only feel this intense pain.

"SAM" some one screamed

All I could hear was panicking and a siren off in the distance.

I opened my eyes and gage was leaning over me with blood on his face from a gash on his four head.

"Sam you have to stay with me don't close your eyes" he cried

"Wer....were is ... Crissy " I tried getting out

"They're ok just a little bruised Sam you have to stay awake. " he begged

"But...but I ...I'm ...tired " I got out just as everything went black again as the sirens got closer......



Katie Mae TUC.

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