Chapter twenty three

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Sam's aka TUC's POV:

I woke up wrapped in Gage's arms, it toke me a few sec to remember last night but when I did I couldn't help but smile at the kiss we shared just thinking about it made my lips tingle.

All of this was so odd to me I've never really felt this way it felt like a dream.

"Good morning " Gage said kissing my head tiredly yawning.

"Good morning" I smiled

Our door busted open and Cole walked in talking.

" Oh my sandwich Sam you would not believe the hottie I saw yesterday ....oh am I interrupting something " Cole questioned smiling with his hands on his hips.

"No nothing's happening " I jumped out of bed causing Gage to groan

"I'm to lazy to get up "

Coles eyes widen " wait you guys were in bed together DID YOU GUYS DO IT "

"NO GLOB UGH" I groaned covering my face up with my face so they couldn't see me blushing.

Gage laughed at me and stood up and hugged me.

" wait wait are you guys like together"Cole questioned us with his arms crossed and his eye brow raised.

"Yes Cole yes we are " Gage laughed


" Wait Cole we need to tell our fans by our self but not now ok keep it a secret ok " I explained to him

"Aw fine " he pouted "but I'm telling Crissy " he said running out the door.

I laughed at how odd my brother was.

Gage kissed my cheek" we need to get ready for digitour " he said walking over to his suit case as I walk to mine getting out a pair of black skinny jeans a to trust a lair band t'shirt and my galaxy's vans.


Digitour went by slow and we were all starving so we decided to get some food from Walmart since we will be leaving NewYork soon and will be on a bus for now on .

When we arrived at Walmart every went off in different direction with their cameras running causing me to laugh at how childish we all are.

I love my Digi family I don't know we're I would be with out them.


Sorry this is short and crappy but enjoy

I love you all


Katie Mae TUC

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