chapter seventeen

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I had text Gage that I was bringing  my brother who was a huge fan of his.   I paid the taxi driver and got out with Cole in tow.

 " how many YouTubers are staying here " Cole asked me as we were standing in the elevator.

" Ummmm I don't really know there is a lot and you will get to met a lot of them tomorrow" I smirked at him. 

" oh my spoon are you for real!!!" he laughed 

" Yep I'm for real now come on my rooms this way " I said dragging him out and towards my room.

" wait here " I told Cole " Hey Gage are you decent " I yelled out

" yea" he yelled back   " Way to ruin all the fun " Cole whispered to me causeing me to laugh.

I closed the door and went in " hey Gage this is my adoptive brother Cole he's a huge fan of you"  I  said jumping on my bed as he and Cole did some bro fist thing. I toke out my phone and snapped a pic of them and sent it to our dad.

" so were is every one sleeping tonight " I  asked  they looked around thinking. " ok how bout  Cole you sleep in my bed and ill go camp with the girls" I suggested   

" No thats not fair you can sleep in my bed " Gage said to me

" And were will you sleep? " I asked him         " on the floor " he said " or with you " he blushed 

" like old times " I asked smiling  " yea " he whispered  

" I hate to break you're guys love spell but I have to pee " Cole said snapping his fingers.  I blushed hardcore 

" over there " gage said pointing to the bathroom 

" So sam ... I was um ....." his words were cut off by my phone I looked down to see it was twitter the girl crissy had text me saying see needed me I told her to call me . 

" Gage ill be right back watch cole for me please make sure he gose to bed before 2 am " I laughed walking out

" um ok " Gage mumbled. 

* phone convo * 

( CR- crissy T- TUC )

CR- help me tuc they keep hurting  me  '' she cried into the phone 

T- crissy calm down who is hurting you.

CR- the other girls. she cried 

T- Crissy were are you 

CR- in a closet at the orphanage

T- Ok I will be there in a few min dont worry crissy you will be ok.

* end  phone convo*

I ran into sam and gabys room hoping they weren't doing any thing.....

" Gabbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyy" I screamed scarying her 

" WHAT ?!?!?!" she freaked 

" I need you to adopt a girl for me" I asked shyly

" do what " her and sam said at the same time

I qiuckly told her what happened and since she was older then us she was the only one who could adopt her.

" Sweetie stop crying ill help you " she smiled wiping my tear I didn't know was running down my cheek .I  hugged her buring my head in her shoulder. 

" come on lets go get her " Gaby told me grabbing her jacket and some papers she needed.


Gage's POV 

I  was so close to asking sam on a date I was so close. 

I groaned out loud 

" dude you ok " Cole asked sitting next to me 

" No im just having girl problems "  I said truthfully 

" with sam ...?" Cole asked me smiling 

" no ...." I denied 

" liar " he laughed 

" I  know you like Sam " he told me staring me down 

" how ? " I asked

" The way you act around her you should ask her out already "  he said rolling over to sams bed

" I'm going to sleep " he mumbled grabbing all the cover and curling up

" altright night cole " i said getting on my phone

" oh and gage ...." he whispered

" yea " I  asked 

" Sam likes you too... dont think to hard about it " he said closing his eyes

Sam likes me back .....


hehehehehe hope you like.

Im really busy this week and dont have my phone so it mite take me a while to update sorry !!!!

I love you all

love ,

Katie Mae TUC 

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