Chapter three

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Hope you all enjoy!!!!.
I woke up to Get Scared blaring through my iPhone I picked it up to see Gages face and mine laughing I laughed lightly as I remember that day
"Hay gage " I said into the speaker
"Hay Sam I called to wake you up I'll be there in 20 minutes " he said back to me.I jumped up and went to get dressed and got my little bit of things I had with me and my penny board then went to wait for gage. I was sitting on the curb of the orphange with my penny board under my feet and my head in my hands with my obey snapback keeping the morning sun out of my face I closed my eyes and listen to the morning traffic of california until I jumped from a car horn followed by people laughing ''Sorry Sam'' my guy friend patrick yelled to me laughing and getting out of the car to help me ''dude its been a while since we last talked at the skate park how you doing'' I asked him '' Nothing new but like I got a new girl friend'' he boosted. I laughed he always has a new girlfriend they all hate me cause they think im going to steal there so called boyfriend that's just weird.

Gage got out of the car as me and Patrick were putting my things in the back when we were done I look at the orphanage then at the boys and screamed " SHOTGUN " and jumped in before they could stop me. they laughed and climbed in It toke us about twenty minutes to get there,It was a two story house the guys got it from there YouTube money and we all have a second job just incase our YouTube channel goes down hill.

"Hey where's Clayton " I asked looking around the house.
"Oh he went to visit his little sisters he'll be back tomorrow " Gage told me I was kinda sad cause like Gage, me and Clayton go way back we've been through thick and thin and I consider him my brother.
There were boxes all around the house but not too many. " Sam your rooms up stairs at the end of the hall to the right " Patrick said with a mouth full of cold pizza.... boys....I grab my stuff and start to head up stairs.

My room was small but perfect for me I stuck my penny board in my closet along with my skateboard and got my clothes out and started to hang them up once my closet was full I but the rest in the dresser. As I was finishing up unpacking my phone started going off I look at it and it was my twitter notifications kian lawly and Sam potteroff twitted go subscribe to theunwantedchild and get her to 1 million #getT.U.Cto1millon I almost started to cry they started a hash tag for me Oh my fork..... that means they figured out who I was ...... omg....

"EHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed at the top of my lungs as soon As I hit a million and it was still going. I was still screaming when gage ran in I look at him and jumped up "OMGIGOTTOAMILLIONANDKIANANDSAMTWEETEDABOUTME....waitnowihavetoshowmyface!!!" I scream/said in one breath
"Wo Wo Wo what did you say"gage asked me trying to calm me down
I couldn't speak so I just throw my phone at him luckily he caught it when he looked at it his eyes got big .
"Omg Sam you made it to a million "he said he had already made it to a million but was still excited for me " what are you going to do for you 1million mark ?" he asked me

" I promised to show my face before digitour......" I said his eyes got really big " what" he asked. I repeated what I said.


"Sam you ready " Gage asked me as I was adjusting the jacket I had on that I stole from gage it was one that zips up all the way to the top so that it hide my face I gave him a thumbs up and he started the camera


" Hello my beautiful children as most of you know we hit one million so yes I will be showing my face today but it won't be until the end . " I paused thinking.
"Oh and today I twitted I was going to do a Q and A and for you guys to send some question and that me and gage were doing a collab together '' I said clapping my hands together as gage sat next to me '' so yea lets see what you guys have to answer '' I said as I got my phone out looking for a good one ''ok here we go funniest moment me and gage have ever had '' gage looked at me and laughed ''we have a lot of funny moments dont we sa..tuc '' gage said frowning a little at the end then smiling agian '' there is that one time when we went to the store with the guys and walked around with bras on cause we lost a bet with you '' I laughed as I remembered that day they had to wear bright neon coloured bras!!

"Yea it was a fun day " I laughed
"Ok next question gage you chose " I said passing my phone to him
He scrolled down until he started to laugh
"What "I asked looking at him
"Your fans ask weird questions look at this one " he said
I grabbed the phone and read it out loud
"Do you and gage plan on having kids together " I laughed
and looked at the camera
"Guy me a gage aren't together were close friends so that's a no to having kids " I said laugh
I saw gage blush and wondered why..

The video went like this for a while until it was close to the end.

"Ok we'll this video can't go on forever so I guess I have to show my face " I said nervously
I grabbed the zipper and slowly unzipped it until my face was showing I look up at the camera
" Hi I'm TUC " I waved
"Love you my little children " I said ending it .

*end of video *

I was shaking already think of what every one would say about my face and how ugly I am ....
"Sam your going to be ok " gage said hugging me I tucked my face in the crook of his neck breathing in his calming smell hopefully there won't be much hate ....


Hay guys sorry I haven't updated in a while but hope you like this chapter !!!!!

Love ,
Katie mae TUC

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