Chapter 19: Happy Birthday

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Dakota's POV

"Oh! If you excuse me." I walk away from the table to check my phone.

Harry's calling me. What the fuck does he want now?

Should I answer him? I mean, I do miss him and his raspy voice but at the same time, I want to shit on everything he loves.

As soon as I was about to answer, he hangs up. Dammit.

"Well that was odd." I mutter and head back to the dinner table.

"Who was that, dear?" My dad asks.

"Oh just..... Riley." I lie.

"What? You like Riley now? Easy on the guys, sis." Marvin chimes in.

"Oh what do you know about guys? You pretty much like every girl you see." I hiss.

"Correction blondie, I choose my ladies well, unlike you, I don't kiss every guy I see near a fountain." He sneers.

"Ugh! In my defense, Harry was my first kiss!" I stand up from my seat.

I hear gasps from my parents.

 "What?" I look at them with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh honey." My mom pouts at me. She's obviously giving me her pity.

Seriously? This is embarrassing

I roll my eyes and storm out.

I don't need any more drama. I know it sounds lame that I've never kissed a boy, judging from the way I behaved with boys, I've been always bitter around them, they were all nice but they weren't Harry. Harry was something else, he was special. He was........ the guy I first truly loved. Fuck, this is sounding so cheesy.

I put my phone on my bedside table and decide to bathe. I need to cleanse myself from all the bullshit I've experienced today, especially with the Equestrian tournament. 

Before I could even get off from my clothes, my phone rings. It's Harry. Holy shit.

What should I say? Should I even pick up my phone? I wonder how he's doing right now. Pick it up, Burke!

As soon as I was about to accept the call, he hang up. Well fuck you too, Styles.

He called...... Does that mean he still cares? Crap. What does this mean? Time to call my most trusted friend.

"Hey D! What's up!" Kendall picks up.

"Kaykay! Harry called me." I start.

"Holy shit. Fo shiz?" she gasps.

"Yes fo shiz." I reply.

"Wow." is all she can say.

"I know! So what does this mean? Does he still like me or like.... do you think he still thinks about me or something?" I feel a blush creep on my cheeks.

"You're sounding totally girly right now, D. Sooo not you!" Kendall giggles through the phone.

"Oh shut it. But seriously, does that mean anything?" I inquire.

"He probably drunk dialed you. After all, it's probably around like what..... 12 am in London right now?" She states.

I didn't realize that. She's probably right, what if he's having fun with me gone in his life? What if he's perfectly fine and I'm the mess in this breakup?

"Listen D, I have to go, Kylie is calling me. Laters!" Kendall hangs up before I could answer to what she said just now.

"Thanks, best." I mutter, sarcasm dripping all over and throw my phone on my bed.

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