Fall Weather Soccer Players

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Hi! I'm Rainbow Dash, pretty much the coolest person ever! I am the element of loyalty.Or at least that way smarty Pony Princess, Twilight Sparkle says. I mean I have super speed powers for crying out loud! Ya, it's true. I got this fancy necklace thingy at camp and its pretty sick.
I wear it all the time but, I don't use it all the time. I know how to control the power now but, it's pretty cool.
Pony Twi says it's called an element of harmony and it's some magically gourde from equestria...of course I don't use it when I'm playing sports of course, mainly because everyone at CHS knows I have the powers and if I use them they'll assume I need to win easily, That I can't really do it on my own. I say WRONG! And plus it gets all bouncy and distracting when I'm running.
Anyway, right now I'm raking leaves. You're probably like 'what the heck, dash?' But I don't really have a choice.
My mom said I can't go to band practice if the yard isn't fully raked -not that I need that practice- I'm pretty awesome it already; its mainly so I can play soccer in the yard.
I've already been raking for an hour! Ugh! My yard is HUGE!! But my neighbors yard is bigger, the house is pretty huge and I mean HUGE!!! 6 floors + a basement.
Speaking of the neighbors, like 100 moving trucks pulled up today...new neighbors?
My thoughts jolted back in fourth as I scrapped up the leaves into one big pile. I plan on jumping into them later- I know sounds pretty childish but me and scoots do it all the time and I find it really fun, So don't judge.
A soccer ball came blazing in through the air. My mad reflexes caught it without even looking.
"I'll get it," I heard a voice say.
He snuck into my yard and I held up the ball.
"Looking for something?" I asked.
He looked over in my direction.
He seemed about my age. His slick, blue hair was a little wild and he was wearing jeans and a hoodie. He seemed familiar...but I just couldn't put my finger on it.
A sly grin appeared on his face.
"Whatta we got here?" He asked. Trouble written in his voice.
"I'm soarin...soarin skies," He told me.
SOARIN SKIES! I knew i recognized him! He's that guy Rarity shows me in those teen magazines! And he also plays some sports a pro league.
I acted normal.
He leaned against one of my trees.
"You need help?" He asked.
He could tell I was raking leaves by my progress.
"No. I don't take help from strangers," I told him.
He seemed hurt by the comment.
He smirked.
"How about this, I beat you in a 1 on 1 game of soccer you let me help you," he challenged.
Me, Rainbow Dash, play a Pro player in soccer so he can help me. Sounds like a challenge.
"Fine," I agreed. "And if I win?"
He pondered the question before a sly smirk crept on to his face.
"If you win...you get to be my girlfriend," He grinned.
"This seems like a lose-lose situation for me," I said sharply.
"Fine, how 'bout we switch the things around then. If you win I help you, I win you date me," he settled.
"Fine," I agreed.
What did I just agree to?
We set everything up for the match- no, stop right there...I know what some of it are thinking! It's not that!
First one to 5 wins.
The game began.
He did a sharp left and kicked it right into the goal. 1-0
"Where do you wanna go on our first date?" He asked so sure of himself.
I rolled my eyes and got back to the game.
I did a fiery kick. It went straight in.
Went back and fourth until finally 4-4.
Wow, I might have the Chance to beat a pro.
He tried to juke but I stole the ball and dribbled it in between my feet.
I kicked the ball into the net for a victory.
Soarin stood there, his jaw hanging open disbelief.
I walked up to him and closed his jaw. With narrowed eyes I said, "keep playing like that I'll have to replace you."
I shoved a rake into his chest.
OOOH!! Get owned son! You need some ice for that burn?? Sorry...
He lit up, "1. I let you win." He claimed. I rolled my eyes, " 2. So you do know who I am?"
I hesitated, "ya."
He smiled.
I glared at him. "Just get to work."
"I never caught your name?" He told me.
"My name is Rainbow Dash," I replied.
It really wasn't any of his business but he'd find out sooner or later...he was my dumb neighbor after all.


I gotta good feeling about this book! It's gonna be pretty good I think. Better then my other SoarinDash I'm writing! So stay tuned. I'll tell you more in the next chappie! Stay cool oreos!


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