I Hate You, I love You

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I woke up...next to SOARIN IDIOT SKIES!
My head hurt so bad! What happened last night? I quickly snuck out before Soarin knew I was there.
I hurried back home so I could ponder everything that happened last night.
I got up to my room and swung myself on to my bed.
Hmm...so I went to Raitys, picked out and outfit and we all drove over there. I saw...I think his name was Claud no uh...no his name was Cloud Kicker. I saw Cloud Kicker being bullied so I got out of the car to help him. I did and he thanked me..I think. W-We danced. Then...then...what happened after tha-
I took a deep breath.
Soarin got mad at me and so Cloud and I stormed off and went outside. We talked for a bit and then-CRAP! I kissed him...AGAIN!!
Then, We went back inside to dance again. Then-Then what happened?
I squished my head. How did I get to Soarin's house??
I drank some cider with Clouds and He got all weird and then. AJ came over to us and- Better skip over that image- then things got all woozy and that's all I can remember!!
I slammed my head against a pillow.
Ding dong!!
The door bell rang.
I shuffled down the stairs and opened the door.
Soarin Freakin Skies was standing there.
He stormed right in.
"Why did you bring your boyfriend over to my house? Why did you kiss my brother? And why don't you like me?" He asked towing over me and glaring straight into my eyes. I ran into the wall behind me and he just kept starring.
"Uh...I don't have a boyfriend, I don't know why I was stupid enough to kiss your dumb brother and-" I stopped. Why didn't I like Soarin?
Well, he was a total jerk before but, he did help me at the hospital.
"And I Don't know." I answered quietly.
"So, who was that guy with you yesterday morning?" He asked.
"My dad!" I spat.
Wait? Did Soarin think-? Ha! Well, my dad does look young (and handsome) enough to be my boyfriend. I almost laughed.
Soarin blushed. HOW EMBARRASSING!!
"W-well I'm glad you don't like my brother" he told me "like, love like"
I nodded.
I stopped him.
"I don't really know Soarin!" I yelled, waking my mom up.
My mom saw Soarin "pinning" me against the wall and she rushed down the stairs.
"What's going on here?" She demanded.
Soarin backed up.
"Soarin was being a jerk!" I tattled
He got offended.
"I was not!" He claimed.
My mom glanced from me to Soarin.
"Well, why don't you two go play outside! Your being noisy! It's 7:00 for crying out loud!"
I almost laughed. My mom still treats us like little kids who we're just "playing".
I stomped outside and Soarin followed.
"Dashie, who don't you just give me a chance!"
I glared at him.
Tears rolled down his face, making me feel guilty. I sighed.
"Fine, I'll give you ONE last chance!" I growled.
"YES!" He cheered. He hugged me.
Not bad, he's doing alright so far.

(Time skip: later that day)

I just finished my date with Soarin. It was alright. He was a gentleman and he didn't rush anything.
He just dropped me off back home.
My mom hung up the phone right as I walked in.
"Hey, Sugar, we're have ya been?" She asked.
"On a date!" I blushed.
My mom looked surprised.
1. I don't date. 2. I just blushed
She ran up to me and checked my temp
"Are you feeling alright?" She asked.
"I'm fine, mom!" I giggled.
Maybe I wasn't fine!! I just giggled!!
I sat down with my mom.
"Sooo, who's this boy?" She wondered.
I looked over at her, "Soarin."
She practically fainted. She's a HUGE fan like my dad.
Yep, I was dating the worst guy in the world, Soarin Skies!


Thank you all SO ^ MUCH!! Thank you all
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