Suspicious Soarin

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(Time skip: next week)

Soarin and I have been working on the project non-stop! He treats this like we're planning our wedding or something! But, that's not the only thing that's strange with him, He gets random texts and nervously checks them.I've been trying to get ahold of his phone but she carries it EVERYWHERE with him.
I feel like I just have to ask him to see his phone. But, what if it's a surprise for me? What if I ruin it? I just kept my mouth shut.
Finally he got a text and sweat started running down his face.
"I-I gott-ta g-g-g-g-o-o-go, Dash-I have to go,," he ran outside and to his car.
Heck, I followed him. He's my boyfriend! He's and actor, he's not gonna get this nervous about a surprise for me.
WAIT! What if this is one of his silly pranks!
I'll keep a low profile. He won't even know I'm there. I watched as he pulled away.
I got it! I used my super speed to compliantly change cloths, put on a wig and hip in my moms car. Soarin wouldn't know it was me!
I followed him slightly. Took a few turns that he didn't and I'd end up a few cars behind him.
He pulled up to a house, pulled into the garage and that's all I saw.
Who's house was this? Why was he so nervous?
Boy, I was gonna be the stalker of the year after this one.
I ran home, grabbed a ladder and came right back. I set it up to a window.
Ewww!! It was some hairy guy...Shirtless!!
I quickly switched my ladder to a different window. It was some little girl sitting on her bed. She was bouncing a ball against her wall; it would hit the wall, floor then it would go right back up into her hand. She kept repeating this process while mouthing the words to a song. Her headphones we're on and her ipod was sitting on her lap. She seemed about scoots age.
(That sounds like something I -author-would do XP)
I moved the ladder over to ANOTHER window and another girl, about my age was chilling. She looked to be painting her nails. Her walls we're pink, unlike the other girls.
Posters of famous guys we're on her walls that's when a certain one caught my eye. It was one of Soarin, Right on her door. It had a heart around him and he was pretty much naked!
I was about to switch windows when- SOARIN WALKED IN HER ROOM!!
Now it made so much sense! Soarin was going to surprise this girl by showing up to her house for some kind of birthday reason or something like that. Soarin was nervous because he didn't want to be late and he's probably never done anything like this before. He kept getting texts because it was obviously a surprise, so he wanted to keep updated with her parents!
Man, I feel so stupid. I possibly thought that Soarin was sneaking of secretly. I don't know why he didn't tell me he was doing such a nice thing but- I looked back.
Wha? Soarin was all flirty. He had his hands around her waist and their faces we're like 2 inches away. I gasped, this wasn't like I thought.
He smirked at he closed his eyes.
She kinda struggled but Soarin still went to kiss her.
My heart shattered.
Why did I think for a second that Soarin wasn't like the other celebrity's! Once they have everyone in love with them they stabbed them in the back secretly and that's the end of that.
I started to cry and I made my way down my ladder. I slipped on the ladder, it was wet from my tears. I tripped and fell all they way down.
My head hit the ground from the 2 story drop. How could I think Soarin loved me. I wasn't rich! I wasn't smart! I wasn't girly! I wasn't what Soarin wanted or needed.
I used my super speed to rush my ladder and car back home.
I felt the back of my head. It seemed watery. I looked at my hand, it was covered in blood. My head was bleeding.
I didn't care, it would blend in, just like the tears would blend into my cyan face. I buried my head in my covers.
I cried myself to sleep, right where I wanted to be. My safe zone, my fantasy world, my sleep.



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