Soarin Cheatin' Lies

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Soarin tapped me on the shoulder.
"Wakey wakey" he whispered.
I opened my eyes and Soarin cheatin' lies was standing above me.
I sat up and threw him a sharp look.
He backed off.
He put his hands up like he surrendered, "Whoa, Dashie!"
I threw my covers off and stormed over to we're Soarin was standing.
I grabbed his wrist and turned it
"Ow!"he screamed.
"Who was that girl you we're with yesterday?!"
I twisted a little harder.
"Oweeee! Fine, her name is Amber!" He pleaded.
(Author- can you connect the dots🤔)
"And?" I twisted again.
"She is one of my biggest fans!"
"So, I was helping her out with a song!" He yelped.
I twisted even harder.
"WHY DO YOU KISS HER??" I cried.
"I didn't!" He lied.
I twisted his hand so far.
"I saw you!" I confronted
"Then, you saw wrong! I didn't kiss Amber! I only wrote a song with her!" He claimed.
I let go of his hand. He held it, I really twisted it bad!
"Prove it!" I yelled.
He lit up. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a piece of paper. Then, he reached in and held something I couldn't see in his hand.
"Follow me!" He demanded.
I followed him as he led me to his car.
We hopped in and he drove us to Ambers house.
He dragged me out and knocked on Ambers door.
She opened it.
"Oh, hey Soarin" she sounded disappointed.
"Did I kiss you yesterday?" He asked straight up.
"No way!" She blurted "I wish" she mumbled quietly.
"No, no but I did kiss your hot brother-" she was cut off by the sight of me.
"Whose this?" She asked.
"This is my hot girlfriend, Rainbow Dash." He explained.
Maybe Soarin wasn't cheating.
"Well," she looked at me, jealously burning her face. "Why don't you come on in?"
I shifted nervously
"Uhh, I actually have somewhere to be" I lied.
"Oh Kay" she smiled
"What bout you Soarin?" She got all flirty.
He backed up.
"I'm with her!" He lied as well. We hopped in his car and he sped off.
"Ya see, dashing, I'm no cheater!" He smiled at me.
"Ya, Clouds is!" I laughed. "Who would kiss such a low life. He kissed me then Applejack now Amber?"
That brought back memories.
"I'm glad your a good guy." I told Soarin.
He kept smiling.
He turned on the radio.

My song started playing and I couldn't help but hide my face.
"This song is really good!" He told me as pulled to the side of the rode. "I'm gonna see who made it!"
I snatched his phone out of his hand.
"No! I mean nah, you can do it..uhh..later."
I suggested.
He shrugged and kept driving.
That was close!
Then another one started.

Oooohhh no!
I face palmed as the song stopped
"That was shake your tail by the rainbooms here on Dash week!"
The radio guy announced.
"Dash week?" He asked looking over at me. "You know more than your willing to tell
me about this band...don't you."

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