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I pulled out a chair at the table my friends we're surrounding.
We all sat in awkward silence.
I sighed "guys..." tears formed in my eyes "I'm moving."
They all looked at me, astonished.
In sync, they all ran up to me and squeezed me into a tight group hug.
A little smile appeared on my face. I love my friends.
"Rainbow Dash" Twilight whispered.
I sighed. This was the way it was gonna be, I guess.
I balled my eyes out yesterday. It's was painful
To leave everything you know and walk into the darkness with no one.
"When do you leave, Darling?" Rarity asked.
Tears rushed back into my eyes. I starred at the ground.
Silence filled the room.
They all exchanged sad and scared glances.
"Rainbow...we love ya." Applejack reminded me.
I don't blame them for not having anything to say. There isn't anything they can do. They shock must be overwhelming them.
Fluttershy started crying. Soon, Rarity and Pinkie joined her as her pink, bouncy hair drooped.
Applejack took her brown cowgirl hat off and held it to her chest.
A few tears rolled down Twilight's cheeks.
Soarins too. Soon, every one was crying, excepting the fact that Applejack cries on the inside.
The floor was soaked from everyone crying.
Pinkie was the first to stop.
Her flat hair leaped back up.
"We need to stop crying!" She announced.
We all turned our red, sorrow-filled heads toward the pink party planner.
"Do we really want to spend our last day with Dashie CRYING?" She asked.
We all though about this.
Everyone wiped their tears away.
"Lets make this the best day of our life's!! Starting with- THE CARNIVAL." She cheered
I shuddered at the thought of the Cantorlot Carnival.
She dragged us there.
It was very early in the morning so, it was very easy to cram a bunch of fun things in it.
(Play song)

Pinkie pointed to the SCREAMER. Before I had a chance to shake my head she forced me on. Most of our friends followed.
I sat next to Soarin and the roller coaster took off.
We sped around the track. This was so AWESOME!!!
We all held our hands in the air as we took twists and turns around Corners and drops.
I laughed as the butterfly's swirled in my stomach.
The biggest smile ever spread across my face as the cart plummeted straight down. Soarin had his arm around me the hole way.
It came to a stop. For the first time riding this roller coaster with Soarin, I got off HAPPY
I hugged my friends.
We moved on to the other rides as we laughed and joked around.
Today was already awesome!! We walked up to the booths that cost money.
Soarin handed the guy some money so he could try the strength test.
He pulled the hammer up over his head before sending it straight down and BAM! Of course he won it!
He was handed a giant stuffed tortoise.
He smiled before passing it to me.
"A little something to remember me by!" He noted.
A giant grin spread across my face.
I planted a peck on Soarins cheek.
He slightly blushed as we walked away from the fair.
I looked at my watch. 2:30! We've been here for awhile.
We hopped into Soarin's car and we took off.
We sped off. He took a detour through downtown. I sighed.
It was so beautiful! I wish this could last FOREVER!! If only I wasn't moving tommarow.
We pulled up to a shop as Soarin whispered something to Rarity.
Rarity's face lit up as she darted in grabbing Twilight wrist.
She dragged the surprise smart purple girl into the clothing store.
I threw my feet up on to the Dashboard.
Pinkie squealed.
She got a text from someone.
She starting typing back.
Fluttershy got the same thing.
Both of them smiled and looked at each other
Then, AJ got a text. She opened the car door and ran into a shop next door.
I grew curious.
Hmm, what's going on.
Then I got a text.
Yes!!! I wasn't gonna be left out if this.
Nope, I was it was my mom.

BombMom: Hay, Darlin! The packing truck just showed up. Anything you want to be in the car?

I sighed. She had to text at the wrong time

Awesomeness: the bag on my bed mom.

BombMom: thanks, Rainbow

Awesomeness: no problem...

I clicked my phone off and looked over at Soarin.
"What's wrong?" He asked
"Oh nothing..." I lied
But, there was something wrong! I had to leave the best friends ANYONE could ask for.

You Wish (a SoarinDash) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now