Prepare to Party!

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*1 week after pond accident*

I walked over to the mirror and fixed the collar on my shirt. My blue PJ lining was flipped over on my neck.
There was a huge party tonight at Pinkies and everyone was invited, Can you say biggest part of the year? Ya, I'm not super sick anymore.
I almost OD on medicine, but at least I feel better.
I clicked my tongue and pointed to myself ," Lookin' good, Dash...looking good!"
I was surprisingly in a good mood.
I skipped down the stairs and pecked a waffle off the top of a stack and shoved it in my mouth.
"Hey! Those we're mine," I heard a voice. I haven't heard it in such a long time.
I flipped around with a smile on my face.
The greatest dad in the world stood there with a huge grin spread across his face.
"Dad!!" I cheered. I ran up to h and he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled my face into his jacket.
Your most likely like 'wwwhhhyyy do you never see him?'
He works a strange work shift. Always gone when I wake up and passed out in his room when I'm asleep.
He got the day off today!
He ruffled my rainbow hair.
"What's new, Squirt?" He asked me.
"We got a terrible neighbor." I told him, picking another waffle up. Speaking of my horrible neighbor, I haven't seen him since Thursday. (Today's Saturday morning.)
My dad wrapped his arm around me. "What's this "horribles" neighbors name," He glanced at me. He picked up his waffle plate so I wouldn't take anymore
"Oooh, no one important just...Soarin Skies," I smirked.
My dads jaw fell open and he dropped his plate "your kidding?"
I shook my head.
He took a quick look at me. I was totally serious.
He shoved the front door open, picked up my soccer ball and sprinted over to Soarins House.
I slowly followed him, laughing.
He scrambled for his balance as he turned into the porch.
He frantically knocked on the door then rang the door bell like 283 times.
Soarin jogged to the door.
Practically at the sight of Soarin, he fainted.
I snorted out a laugh. My dad was a nut job.
He started at the full grown man fainted on the porch and the stupid looking girl in her pajamas (me).
He snickered.
"What's goin on, Dashi-" he stopped and cleared his through. "What's all this about, miss. Rainbow Dash,"
I looked at him strange.
He wasn't himself.
I walked up to him and punched his shoulder.
"You don't have to be"
He looked at me very nervous.
He blushed and seemed a bit shy.
My smile faded.
"What's up?" I asked.
He didn't answer and he Just kept looking at my dad.
"That's Moon Rider..He's a fan-" I was cut off.
"I'm s-sorry Rainbow but I gotta go." He frowned and shut his door.
I remained on his porch.
What's wrong with him?
I shook my dad and he woke up.
"W-What did I miss?" He asked, seeming very dazed.
I almost began to cry.
"Oh, n-nothing," I sighed.
He shrugged, pretty much forgetting that his idol lived here.
I stood there for a moment, just letting the cool breeze sweep over my hair. My blue shirt with a rainbow lighting bolt and a cloud was stitched on it. I was also wearing raed and black plaid, fuzzy pants. I quickly realized this and I hurried off Soarin deck. Water foarmed in my eyes. A few tears streamed down my cheeks. I wasn't for sure why but sadness just hit me outta no where. I quickly wiped them away and wandered back into my house.
I went up stairs to get ready for the party.
I sighed as I picked out my outfit. I was just going for something a little less fancy.
But, I knew I wasn't gonna get away with that.
My phone went off : rarity.
'Don't answer it!' I commanded myself. I knew it would lead to makeup, Dresses, hair, the hole 9 yards!
I answered it.
What the? What's wrong with you Dash?
"Hello, Darling!" Rarity chirped on the other line.
"Hey, Rares," I greeted.
"Get your butt over here! It's time to get ready!!" She squealed.
"No way, Rarity!" I refused
I could feel her glare through the phone.
I sighed, "FINE! But not two fancy."
She cheered and hung up.
You always do this, Dash! You always do this!

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