Ignoring Him

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"Rainbow?" A country voice echoed through the bathroom.
It was Applejack...
I looked over at her.
"What!?" I yelled. I was in a very crumby mood.
"Ah Just came to chek on yah," she confirmed.
"Everahbodys out flirtin with the new guy..." she trailed off.
Soarin! That dumb dork humiliating me in front of everybody like that. I clenched my fist.
"Do ya like him too?" She question wandering over to me.
"NO!" I screeched "NOT ONE BIT!"
She could tell I was kind of REALLY mad right now so she backed off and changed the subject.
"How your ma been?"
"That's good"
We stood in awkward silence.
"We 'ought to get back to class," she told me breaking the silence.
We walked back to class together.
There was 1 spot left, next to Big Mac. He was clearly saving it for AJ.
I scanned the room for a seat.
Oh no! The only one left was next to the worlds biggest jerk, Soarin!
He threw his books off of the chair. A bunch of girls went to sit there but we waved me over and they all backed off.
I slowly walked over. Jealousy written on all their faces as I passed.
I didn't really have a choice I NEEDED to sit SOMEWHERE. I wish I could, but I couldn't sit on the floor.
I took the seat next to Soarin.
"Hey, Dashie," he said.
I ignored him.
Class after class with Soarin, I ignored him.
I pretended he wasn't even there while the other girls (except AJ and I) we're all over him.
"Yah okay?" She asked
"I'm fine!" I mumbled.
"It's okay, sugarcube," She assured.
I rolled my eyes. I hate when AJ gets all sappy
I was sure she was gonna go into a big stupid and totally super sappy dumb speech about love and feelings.
But she didn't.
School was moving SOO slow, it was only Lunch time! How?
I decided I wanted to sit alone so I sat down at an empty table. It was more of a table for two but I removed to other chair so nobody would be able to sit there.
But, that didn't stop Soarin.
"Hey..." he said not as hyper and flirty. He seemed sad. I didn't care if he was sad...I'm GLAD he's SAD! He should be! He should be so sad his eye balls fall out from crying so hard so he can't see so he walks into a sink hole and dies!!! To far? I don't really know where that came from.
I ignored him again.
"Look, Dash," He began picking up a chair and setting it across from me. "How about I make it up to you?"
I started listening. I could use a new guitar...or maybe a new jacket, or a new phone! Or 10 crisp 100 dollar bills- my thoughts we're cut off
"How about we ditch school and go to the carnival," He suggested.
I liked the skipping school part but going to the carnival? with Soarin?
"No! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I told Soarin
"Come on, Dashie," he lured.
He inched his chair over to mine. He ran his hand down my back, which sent butterflies in my stomach.
"Fine." I slumped.
"Awesome!" Soarin cheered.
He put his arm around me. He face was just inches away from mine.
"Ya," I said removing his arm and standing up.
He just looked at me.
"Let's just go already," I told him.
The cafeteria cleared out and we snuck out.
His slick blue car sparkled in the light.
He smiled.
We both hopped into the car and he took off to the fair.

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