SoarinDash- Proposal

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I sat nervously in my chair at school. I've been dating Soarin for 7 months now (time skip) and he told me he had a surprise for me after school. I told him I'd give him a chance and it's been fun. We've pranked TONS of people and got in TONS of trouble, we've had our good moments and our bad.
FINALLY the bell rung. I used my super speed to pack everything up and collect all my homework in 5 seconds.
I darted outside to see Soarin already waiting for me.
"C'mon, Dashie" he called over to me.
I smiled and ran over to Soarin.
He was leaning up against his freshly washed car.
I assumed he was driving me somewhere but instead he just grabbed my hand.
Without saying anything he pulled me across the parking lot.
We swing out connected hands
"Where we goin?" I asked.
He smirked as he brought me behind the school, passed the soccer field, past the football field, passed the track and around the back to a meadow.
Flowers bloomed everywhere. We walked up a dike and laid on the other side of it, it was hidden and the river sparkled just in front of it.
The snow just left and it was almost summer time again.
He wrapped his arm around me as we took in the BEAUTIFUL view of the lake.
"It's gorgeous!" I sighed.
"Just like you!" He commented.
I snickered at him.
I sat up.
"Soarin, it's about time I told you something..."
he seemed interested and he sat up too.
"Yes, Dashie?"
"W-Well. About two years ago a girl named, Twilight. Not this Twilight but a different Twilight. I mean, they look the same but one was from another world." I explained. "Well, she brought magic from here world to here. Once she got that magic back some of it was left behind." I sighed and looked up at him.
His face was half doubtful and the other half was curious. I continued, "W-well we just went to camp about a year before you came. At camp we revived these necklaces that hold p-powers" I told him holding up my necklace.
He had full doubt on his face, "PROVE IT!"
I looked disgusted. "Can't you just trust me?" I growled.
"Well, I can but something like that is kind of hard to believe!"
Twilight said I could use it, so I guess I have to show him.
I stood up and in a blink I was gone.
I zoomed across time. I ordered a pizza (FROM CHICAGO!) picked up a picnic Blanket, Got some plants, drink and napkins and ran back.
I placed the blanket, plates, drinks and napkins in super speed on front of Soarin.
I sat down next to him, his jaw hanging open.
"Oh wait!" I ran off again to go pick up the pizza. I was back in 10 seconds flat.
His jaw hung open as wide as it could.
I set the Chicago pizza down and looked over at him
"Proof enough?" I asked.
"IM DATING A SUPER HERO!!" He squealed.
"All my friends have it." I added. "Well, not the same power! Fluttershy can talk to animals, Twilight can move things with me mind, Pinkie Pie can make things explode, Rarity makes a Dimond shield, Applejack has super strength and Sunset can read minds."
He couldn't speak he was so amazed.

(Time skip: after eating pizza)

The was setting and me and Soarin watched at it reflected at on the river.
He looked over at me, his green eyes sparkling.
"Rainbow Dash..." he began. I got worried, he never used my "full" name.
He got on one knee and I almost started to cry tears of joy.
He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small box.
"Will you make me the happiest man in the world and-" he opened the box "Be my business partner. I glared down into the box and a chip was laying there.
"It's a new food brand on making! It's gonna be called RainbowSkies!" He cheered. "I wanted you to help me make it. I threw the chip in my mouth.
Well, not really the proposal I as expecting but, "sure, BUT we're gonna be making a few changes. Starting with the name" I told him.
"How about SoarinDash"

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