When Life hands you leaving

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The fun day continued. After a hole hour of waiting Rarity and Applejack stumbled out of the store carting bags upon bags
They shoved the bags in the car the best they could.
Considering that the we're all stuffing themselves in there it's almost impossible to fit 1000 bags in here and the trunk as well.
Anyway we pulled away from the parking lot and drove off.
I just stared off into the distance as we sped along the freeway. We pulled off into the country gravel roads. He put the petal to the metal and we we're going as fast as this car could go.
We took a U turn and he slammed on the brakes.
I hopped out as Soarin looked at me.
I narrowed my eyes at Soarin.
"How about a race?" I challenged.
He took a glance at the 3 mile race track.
"You'r on!" He yelled.
My friends huddled in the back.
"GO, DASHIE!!" Pinkie pie cheered.
"On your marks....get set" He slowly said
"GOOOO!!" I interrupted.
He took off with a swerve.
He was at MAX speed and I wasn't!
I ran as fast as I could go and I ran the 3 miles in 10 seconds FLAT!
He glared at me.
"You won the time, Dashie." He growled.
I laughed playfully at Soarin.
"I win all the time, Soar!" I announced, triumph raining in my voice.
Rarity screamed.
"This. Is. the. WORST POSSIBLE THINGS!!" She screeched.
Every covered their ears
"Soarin, you must drop us off at he nail saloon!!" She demanded.
She held up her nail.
"I chipped..MY NAIL!" She cried.
I rolled my eyes.
"Lets run these guys over there and then we can have a rematch!" He told me.
I nodded my head.
"Race ya!" I sprinted off.
He wishes he could keep up with me.
I slid into the nail salon parking lot. Soarin pulled out about 15 minutes later.
"Geesh, you calls that a race?" I yelled to him.
He just shrugged.
All my friends piled out with their shopping bags.
"No! I just had more weight with me.
He pointed to me friends and their piles of shopping bags.
Wow! Poor loser.
"But, I do call this a race!" He yelled pulling off on to the road.
I just bit my nails.
I was gonna give him a 5 minute head start.
"Aren't yah gonna race hm?" AJ asked.
"Ya...I'm just giving him a head start. Go on inside!" I demanded.
"Oookkkayyy" Twilight said.
Empty-handed Rarity waddled inside with everyone close behind her.
I took off. It only took me about a minute to make it.
I sat down in The gravel.
Soarin pulled up soon.
"Come on!" I growled.
"I gave you a 5 minute head start and I still won!" I wined.
He rolled his eyes.
Soarin got out of his car and took a seat beside me.
He reached his hand around me and removed my necklace.
"Hey!" I yelled.
He teased me, "c'mon, Dashie! Do you really need some necklace to win?" He asked.
"No!!" I crossed my arms
"Good, how about we have a little foot race?" He asked.
We both stood up.
"Go!" I yelled right away.
We we're rock and neck for along time. Finally we both slowed our pace.
We still had 1 mile to go and we didn't want to wast our energy.
I felt this speed pulse through me.
It was calling my name.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
My head tipped down before it shot back up.
My eyes spread open and a smirk grew on my face.
I sprinted.
Soarin couldn't dream of catching up to me.
Finally he got a text from Rarity saying to come pick them up.
We got back into town. Soarin took a right turn Instead of going left to the nail salon.
"What?" I asked.
He rolled down hill with his car and we ended up at the beach.
"I know your still a little new to Canterlot but the salons that way!" I told him.
He smirked
"I just took a slight detour." He answered.
We both slipped out of the car.
He kicked some sand at me.
"C'mon, Dashie! Let's take a little walk," he laughed.
We marched around a shady rock to see a bunch of rainbow balloons and streamers.
"SURPRISE!!!" A ton of people from school yelled.
I smiled so brightly.
"You guys!" I giggled.
They all ran up to me and we group hugged.
"We love you, Rainbow" they told me.
"I love you all too!" I responded. I wrapped my arms around all off them.
"You guys are the greatest friends ever!"
"Tel us sometin' we don't know!" AJ teased.
My album started playing.
Rarity threw a designer swim suit at me. I just stared at the red suit in my hand.
"Put it on, Darling!" Rarity demanded.
I ran to a little privet area and slipped into it.
It was pretty cozy.
We all ran around throwing sand and and splashing water.
I still can't believe almost everyone in the school came for my going away party, On such short notice!
Finally Pinkie annouced, "Slow Dance time!"
"Twilight..." Pinkie giggled.
Twilight blushed as she made her way to the stage.
She was handed a mic and she took it.
"I'm gonna sing a song i wrote for some on I like.

Everyone clapped .
"Goooooooooooooooooo Twilight!!" Pinkie cheered.
When the song ended she blushed.
Twilight ran off with Flash
After a while of dancing, partying and swimming the party was over. I glanced at my phone clock.
"7:30!!" I shouted.
No! The day was almost over.

Raritys phone buzzed.
"Oh dear! My mom wants me home so I can watch Sweetie Bell!" She wined.
"Ya, Granny Smith and Big Mac are jus 'bout to leave for trip. Ah ned to get home tu," AJ explained.
I frowned. Who are my friends leaving so soon?
"Awww!!" Pinkie cried.
"Your gonna miss Dashie's last day.
Rarity and AppleJack frowned.
You could tell they we're upset.
I put my arms around them.
"It okay you two! You come for my going away tomorrow!" I told them.
A slight smile appeared on their faces.
Raritys phone buzzed again.
"I really have to go ,Rainbow! Bye!" Rarity told me.
"Well, how about we all go home!" Twilight offered walking up to us with sunset right behind her.
I feel bad she couldn't make it earlier. But I'm glad she made it to the party though.
"I have to go too." She explained.
"Yea, my animals need to be taken care of," Fluttershy told me.
"Soarin, can you give us a ride home?" I sighed.
"Sure." He shrugged.
I felt hurt that all my friends we're leaving and it's only 7:30!
We all crammed into the car and he drove off again.
He dropped everyone off at their house.
He pulled up to my house.
"Go change and grab a jacket." He commanded.
I didn't complain. I didn't want my final canterlot night to be done.
I hopped in the car and he strolled away. He didn't go fast.
He went slower than normal.
We pulled over to the side of of the rode.
I glanced over to see where we were.
The pond!

Let's go to the pond! Where we can laugh and sing together...THE POND!

Sorry! That just came to mind.
We got out and he brought me to my fixed hang out.
We climbed up to my old hang out and watched the sunset.
He snuggled close to me.
"I love you, Dashie..." he whispered.
"I love you too, Soar" I whispered back.
The sun was just floating down from its place in the sky.
Soarin turned to face me.
I had to make a choice fast! I leaned in and kissed him.
My first time kissing him on the lips.
"Wow, Dashie!" He smiled after breaking the kiss. "I can't believe you kissed me! I mean , on our last day of dating!"
I paused "wait, you mean we're breaking up?" I asked.
He looked at me very sorry.
"Uh...wasn't that your plan?" He wondered. Tears formed in my eyes.
"No" I whispered
"You really think a long distance relation ship would work for us?" He asked.
"Yes" I mumbled.
"I don't know, Dashie.." he commented.
"What?" I pushed him away. "Wait- was this all fake? Just one day after dating for a while you just dump me?!" I know I was just over reacting but, it hurts.
I looked down. I jumped down
"No! Dashie!" He called to me.
I dashed off. I ran away, back home.
Away from Soarin.
Tears streamed down my face.
This wasn't fair! Then again, life wasn't fair!
I collapsed on my bed when I got home.

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