Teaser Chapter (sneak peek)

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I plummeted down the track. Soarins arm was around me and I was laughing. It was the best time I've ever had. The butterflies in my stomach, my best friends with me and the thrill of the fall. I looked over at the greatest boy I ever met. His face was cheerful and amazing but, it quickly turned bad. His face turned bad and the sky turned black. He opened his mouth to revel blood-dripping fangs.
I jumped, knocking over my bowl.
My parents looked over at me worried.
"What's wrong, Rainbow?" My mom asked.
I hesitated. I picked up my bowl
"Oh nothing..." I lied, swirling my spoon in my bowl.
I shifted uncompterably in my chair
Today I was moving, leaving behind everything I ever knew.

Sorry I haven't been leaving authors notes! I've usually been racing to get the chapter done let alone leave an author note! So, This is the beginning of the FINAL CHAPTER!! I know, we've come so far! But, all good things have to come to an end.
Luv y'all
Stay cool, Oreos!


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