50 below

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I sat and shivered. The sun was leaving and the water was as cold as ice.
There wasn't a single sign of heat and I only had a thin hoody and some jeans to keep me warm. I hugged my legs and moved my hands up and down to try keep my warm.
I was such a to have left my phone in my car. I was kicking myself for it! How could I be so dumb?
I floated down the river for hours upon hours. But, as time past a time stripe of land was coming up. It was about 12 feet away and I would have to swim for it.
I gained balance and then leaped.
I splashed in to the ice cold water.
I could die if I stayed in this water for more than 15 minutes. I was shivering, the water was like 50 below!
I swam as I grew weaker and weaker. Almost- there.
I was caught on a floating tree branch.
Just my luck! I tried to remove my hood from the branch but it was hopeless. I squirmed and yelled for help but it was no use.
There wasn't a sign of life anywhere. the wind picked up strong and stated to push the branch father. It dragged me and I was getting a mouthful of water every time it moved.
I could barely open my eyes with amount of splashing and water coming towards my face; it was like a nightmare.
I couldn't breath most of the time and the land started to fade from reach.
Death was closer than ever. I was so cold and being dragged didn't help. I couldn't get into my raft or even get up on the branch.
I was pretty much doomed, My last few seconds on earth we're coming. I could feel it.
I took my last breath and smiled
"I had a nice run," I sighed.
A huge wave of water carried me up before stuffing me under it's grasp and that was it.


Death of rainbow dash! *takes hat off and cries.
See y'all later! Stay cool oreos!


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