Perks of Being a Neighbor

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"It's n-nothing!" I assured.
"It me," he sounded so enchanted.
"C'mon," he smirked.
That stupid smirk sent me crashing back to earth and I shoved Soarin
"You don't deserve to know," I bolted out of there.
I ran all the way, not using my element.
I ran the whole 13 miles.
I slammed the door behind me to come in right on time.
It was 3:15...surprisingly!
"Hey, Rainbow," my mom greeted and hugged me.
I wasn't in a very great mood so I just dragged myself up stairs without a single word.
I opened the door to my room. I stared in and glanced around, I spotted my laptop and I picked it up.
I didn't bother to close the door.
I opened my laptop and scrolled through my social media sights.
I gasped at one of the trendings
Soarin...has a girlfriend. Why do I feel so sad about that.
Oh! I know! I'm so sad for the person he's dating. She must be so clueless.
I chuckled before I clicked on the tag to see who this poor girl was.
I-it w-w-wa-as me?!
I scrolled through the pics.
There we're a ton with us and his arm was around me.
There was one that was just posted of us at the fair. One when he planted a small kiss on my head and one with him sitting with me at the lunch name a few
I growled. We spent WAY to much time with each other ALREADY!
I threw my laptop against the wall.
Of course it broke! Oh well, Soarin can buy me a new one as an apology.
I heard the doorbell go off. I crept out of my room to see who was at the door when my mom answered it.
A light blue guy with slick navy blue hair! Soarin!
He was so polite," Hello! I'm Soarin skies, your new neighbor. I was just stopping by to say hi and to meet you all."
My moms jaw hung open wide at the sight of a celebrity at out dork step.
I rolled my eyes.
"Well, Hello! I'm Misty Sky. It's so nice to meet you," she held out her hand so Soarin could shake it. "Please, do come in," She invited.
Was was my mom so freaking nice???
He could be one of those creepy clown dudes just plotting his way into our house!
"Would you like a snack?" My mom asked my jerk classmate.
"Why, that would be lovely!"
"Wonderful!" My started to get out a snack before she called me down.
"Rainbow Dash! Would you help me get a snack for out neighbor, please?"
I groaned. Why me?
I slowly oozed down the stairs and looked disgustedly at Soarin.
He smiled.
"Hello, I'm Soarin Skies...your new neighbor," he held out his hand.
Please like I was gonna shake it.
"We've met before, D.O.R.C," I swatted down his hand.
My mom looked at me horrified.
"That is no way to treat a-" My began but I cut he off," A jerk? That's no way to treat a selfish, dumb, cruel, Horrid Jerk?" I asked.
My mom frowned at me
"I'm terribly sorry, Soarin!" My mom apologized. She shot me a 'your dead' look
He stood up "No, don't be sorry," he sighed.
"It's really my fault. I really shouldn't intrude like this." He looked truly sad and started to make his way to the door.
"No! You didn't intrude, it's really fine. Please, stay," my mom begged.
I rolled my eyes.
He was so playing her...he was a talented actor after all.
"Let me go grab you some water. You are welcome to take a seat in our living room...Rainbow, please show him where the living room is."
I grabbed his sleeve and dragged him into the living room.
"Don't you dare ruin my relationship between me and my mom," I Whispered.
"Okay." He agreed. "But..."
He pushed me onto the couch. I fell back and landed softly. The put his knees on each side of my waist.
He bent down so we we're touching foreheads and he got centimeters away from my lips.
"You gotta agree to be my girlfriend."
I smirked.
Oh I had an ace up my sleeve. Just you wait.
He smirked back.
He's never kissed me on the lips...just my cheek and forehead. That was scary by its self but, he got so close to really kissing me in the lips.
We heard my mom coming and we scrambled up.
She came in and we we're peacefully sitting on the couch.
He wrapped his arm around me and playfully punched me in the arm.
"Your daughters a nice one," he teased.
He smiled at my mom and she was very happy.
She handed us a cut up apple and some Carmel dip to share. Also two waters.
I guess you could count this as a first date...

Later, My mom left the room and we finished our snack.
"Well, it's getting late...I better go, Dashie." He got up to leave and I followed him.
Now it was my name to pull the ace out of my sleeve.
After spending this time laughin, having fun, spreading Carmel on each other's faces and Just hanging out it was really gonna be hard to do this but as he started to walk out the door I stopped him.
"Soarin!" I called to him.
He turned around, pure joy scribbled all over his face.
"Ya, Dashie."
I looked at him, very sorry about what I was gonna say next, "I'm breaking up with you!"
I slammed the door on his face.


Heart breaker! GET DUMPED, SON!
Heh! Sorry... REALLY QUICK I NEED AN IDEA FOR A TITLE!! SOMETHING THAT GOES WITH IT BUT DOESNT GIVE TOO MUCH AWAY! but honestly, imagine having a blast with your crush, starting to date him/her and then BAM! Right before you leave they dump you.
Ouch! That would really hurt. Expeshilly if your the one who's always dumping not getting dumped. Anyway, next chapter will be updating tomorrow most likely!
See y'all later! And of course...Stay cool oreos!


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