Propety Of Dash

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I woke up. (Well no duh Dash!)
I tried to remember what day it was today.
I was legit trying so hard. But, nope, I had to check my phone.
"YES!! FRIDAY!!" I seriously jumped for joy.
I opened my window to see a light blue guy with navy slick back hair-you can all guess who- standing by his window.
He didn't see me but he seemed upset.
I did something CRAZY!
I pounded on my window until I got his attention.
Finally he looked over.
When he saw me he frowned and closed his curtain.
Soarin? What's wrong with him?
I kinds felt upset.
DASH! You don't get upset over sappy things.
It's just a dumb neighbor boy who get a girl by smiling.
I got ready for school before I grabbed a waffle and ran outside.
Soarin was just getting into his car.
I REALLY didn't feel like taking so I ran right passed his car and over to mine.
Mine was just a broken down old car.
I pulled out and drive away. I glanced at the time. 7:05?!?!
What is wrong with me? I'm never up that early and I'm especially NEVER leaving at this time.
So I decided to head to my favorite spot IN THE WORLD!
It wasn't far.
Just a few miles.
I could drive out there, spend a few minutes then drive back and make it to school right on time. So, that's what I did.
I drove out there and blared the music.
My favorite song was playing and I totally sang along.
I was rockin out and living the Soarin!
I finally made it to the spot.
It was a BEAUTIFUL pond out of town.
I loved it so much i saved up enough money to build my own hang out, with city permission.
The small and tall trees we're so amazing around fall time! Leaves fell and the huge pond just sparkled.
I climbed the tree and up to my little platform that read 'DASH'S HANG OUT' and right below it it read 'Property of Rainbow Dash allowed by the city' hung on a sign.
If anyone even touches it, I'm aloud to sue them.
I leaned back and watched the sun rise.
It was such and incredible.
So quite, so peaceful


Guess who couldn't sleep and had to write more? THIS GAL! Sorry it's short but this chappie is a bridge to a hole Nother BIG problem. I'm not publishing it tonight and I might work on it a bit tomorrow but I want to give you guys some time to catch up. So I most publish it Sunday, Monday or maybe Tuesday.

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