We'll miss ya

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The noice made me feel relaxed yet, annoyed.
I layed...feeling the nice warmth of the blanket.
It's been awhile since I've felt this warmth. It made me feel so comfy.
I snuggled with the blankets and smiled.
"Some one looks cozy," A voice echoed through the room.
I opened my eyes half way to see my enemy, Soarin.
Wait? Why was Soarin in my room.
My eyes shot all the way open ,"HEY! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I shouted.
He flinched, "I'm not in your room!" He told me.
He was wearing a navy blue jacket to match his nicely brushed hair. What really stuck out was that he was holding a bundle of flowers.
I looked around "my" room confused.
"Whe-" I was about to ask where I was but I was cut off my Soarin who clearly knew what I was about to ask.
"Your in the hospital," He answered.
That made since, I was wearing one of those stupid hospital robes that Rarity despised. The walls we're also grey and I had a ton of balloons, Flowers and cards sitting to my left.
Soarin got up and placed the flowers in a bar sitting in the window.
"Y-You almost d-died," He told me, his voice was shaky and had a hint of fear/sadness in it.
That broke my heart, Soarin really would of cared if I died.
I pulled the blanket higher up on me," S-So, Where D-d-di-id they f-find me?"
He gazed out the window "Your friends we're worried about you when you didn't show up for school and didn't answer your phone. So, We decided to check on you. We couldn't find you so we decided we'd check back when your mom was home. We came back and your mom said you left that morning and never returned; That's when we got REALLY worried.
Your mom checked down at your favorite spot and she noticed your platform was missing and it was no where is sight, We assumed it must of broke off and slid down into the water.
We called the cops and they searched the sky, water and land to find you. Very, Very, Very late that night they found you floating in the water. They rush you to the hospital and re-vied you." He explained. He turned to look at me, his eyes full of sorrow "We almost lost you."
I was really quite, "thanks for explaining this to me."
I looked down but then instantly looked back up at Soarin, I became lost in his vibrant green eyes.
I was tired of all this drama and heartbreak.
I threw my covers off and jumped off the bed.
I was stronger than most girls.
I turned into the bathroom and yanked my hung up cloths off the hanger and into my hand. I slammed the door and changed back into my regular clothes.
I was sick and hurt but, I didn't want to be here I could be sick and hurt at home in my comfy bed.
I looked at Soarin who was starting. He was still standing by the window with his hands in his pockets.
"Lets go!" I demanded.
I felt really woozy. I barley made it to Soarins car without collapsing.
We drove home in silence. Once we made it back I hopped out and walked inside. I started to climb up the stairs but I instantly feel down.
My head hurt really bad and I couldn't move I was so tired. My eye lids began to droop.
I was lucky to have Soarin with me, he picked me up and carried me to my room.
He laid me down in my bed and planted a light kiss on my forehead ," Night, Dashie. I love you."


Gag! Short boring chappie. I think I threw a few of you off with the title😂😉My writing has been so dull lately...any tips or suggestions on what should happen. As some of you can tell I have been A LOT more active on Wattpad than usual so your gonna be receiving a lot more chapters and stories faster than normal. I think I'll be adding a few more chappie and then the book will be over! Thanks for your support guys!

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