The Final Count Down

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Before you begin this chapter, Keep in mind that when you're reading this that this is the final story chappie of You Wish. It won't be long but it will be sweet, I guess. So, settle in, grab your popcorn and get reading.

I plummeted down the track. Soarins arm was around me and I was laughing. It was the best time I've ever had. The butterflies in my stomach, my best friends with me and the thrill of the fall. I looked over at the greatest boy I ever met. His face was cheerful and amazing but, it quickly turned evil. His face turned bad and the sky turned black. He opened his mouth to revel blood-dripping fangs.
I jumped, knocking over my bowl.
My parents looked over at me worried.
"What's wrong, Rainbow?" My mom asked.
I hesitated as I picked up my bowl
"Oh nothing..." I lied, swirling my spoonin my bowl.
I shifted uncompterably in my chair.
Today I was moving, leaving behind everything I ever knew.
I threw my car bag around my back and walked outside.
My friends just getting out of the car.
"Hey, Guys," I said miserably.
"Hey, Rainbow..." they all answered in sync.
We all shared a sad look.
Twilight spoke up "we're all gonna miss you very much." She met my eyes.
I refused on crying.
I pulled them in for a hug.
"It's been quite the year," I whispered.
"For sure, Darling."
"Where's Soarin?" Sunset asked, looking around.
I flinched at his name.
That heart-breaker.
"Uhh, Probably sleeping." I frowned.
They looked confused.
"Why, Darling?" She asked.
I opened the car door.
"Because it's 5:30 am." I pointed out, but willing to give them the real answer.
"But, You two are a item, Darling...You'd think he'd come to say goodbye." She said.
I glanced over to her then back to the car.
I there's my bag into the car, trying to think of another excuse.
"He- Uh- said goodbye last night." I told them.
They didn't look convinced.
"C'mon, Sugarcube! Ya can t'rus us,"  insisted, Patting me on the shoulder.
I know I trust them, that's really not the problem.
I shoved my foot in the ground.
"Soarin, broke up with me.." I answered.
I kept staring at the ground.
They all hugged me.
"Awe! Rainbow Dash!" They all pouted. "It's okay" they added.
They tears grew rapidly in my eyes.
I pushed them away.
"I'm fine." I lied.
I said my final goodbyes.
"I'll update you guys EVERY DAY!" I promised.
I'll introduce you to my friends and my team mates."
They nodded.
I gave them a final hug.
"Ugh! I'm gonna miss you guys SOOOO much!" I cried.
"We're gonna miss you too, Rainbow Dash." they all told me.
My parents honked.
"I gotta go!" I frowned.
"Bye, Dashie!!" Pinkie Hugged me.
"I'm gonna miss you too, Pinks!" I told her.
I waved goodbye and finally got into the car.
I Turned around to see my friends waving goodbye to me.
My car pulled away from my old house.
I spared one last glance to Soarin's house. I'm pretty sure I saw him standing in his window, watching me leave.
I imagine he has a evil smile on his face. Soon, he's gonna throw a party for the fact that I'm gone.
I heard pinkie pie yell.
"Bye Dashie!!!" She was hollering threw my window. Somehow she was keeping up with the car.
I laughed.
"Bye, Pinkie!" I waved.
I smiled at her as she was fading from view.
My friends caught up with her.
She mouthed a few words that looked like
'I never caught that girls name'
My friends yelled at her 'Rainbow Dash!'
She giggled 'oh ya!'
I giggled.
I looked to see...Soarin?!?
He was blocking our way.
"It looks like someone forgot to say goodbye." My mom told me, pointing to Soarin with her thumb.
I crossed my arms.
Part of me REALLY not wanting to see him and the other part begging he'd beg me not to leave.
I got out of the car, only to hear what he was gonna say.
"RAINBOW DASH!" He cried.
He threw his arms around me.
What was going on?
"Rainbow dash, seeing you leave is the hardest thing that I've ever had to see!" He told me
"Well, you haven't had a very hard life then!" I growled.
"Please hear me out," he begged.
I stopped and looked at him.
"I will double-no triple- What your dad is being paid at his new job! Anything to get you to stay.
"I know You Wish I was staying but there is no way that he'll accept th-" I was interrupted.
"DEAL!" My dad shouted, tumbling out his car.
"Deal!" He repeated.
I looked at my dad, shocked.
"Deal?" Soarin and I asked at the same time.
"Yes, deal! I accept your offer, Soarin Skies."
He spat.
Soarin hugged both me and my dad.
"Yes!!" He cheered.
I pushed myself away from Soarin and my dad.
After an awkward 15 seconds of Soarin and my dad hugging, they finally noticed I wasn't in the hug.
They we're both embarrassed.
Then I noticed.
"You also forgot your necklace!" Soarin told me holding my element necklace.
I blushedz
"I'm so sorry, Dash...can you ever forgive me?" He asked.
I thought for a second.
"Sure." I told him.
He scooped me into a hug.
"I love you!" He told me.
"I love you too"
"Hey, does this mean we're back together?" He asked.
I looked at him playfully,"You Wish!"


Okay, so that was a very Sappy/Strange ending buuuttt, This is an alternative
ending... picking it up from when Rainbow Dash is driving away.

I Turned around to see my friends waving goodbye to me.
My car pulled away from my old house.
I spared one last glance to Soarin's house. I'm pretty sure I saw him standing in his window, watching me leave.
I imagine he has a evil smile on his face. Soon, he's gonna throw a party for the fact that I'm gone. Unless...
I was snapped back to reality by Pinkie Pie's voice
"Dashie, You've been staring at Soarin for and awfully long time. I know he just came to the school and he's a celebrity but it's sorta rude to stare." She told me.
"Oh!" I didn't notice I was staring.
Was I day dreaming that entire time?
Huh, Typical me.
I guess I have a long time to get to know this dweeb and maybe, just maybe I can make my day dream come true.


Which ending did you like better😂😂 thanks for reading and please vote, comment and Add to library! Soooo, how was the story over all? I really want all of your opinions! Thank you all so much for supporting me! Thanks again for reading and stay cool oreos!

Sighing off,


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