The Screamer

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We pulled up to the roped area full of magic, rides, games and just pure fun; AKA the carnival.
Soarin threw his arm around me.
"Welcome to the fun times, Dashie!" He told me.
Being me, I rolled my eyes.
"Ya scared of roller coasters?" He asked.
I became offended. "I'm not a scared of ANYTHING!" I pushed away to face him.
"Really?" He tapped his foot.
"Yes!!" I yelled.
Okay. "How about we go on...THE SCREAMER!" He suggested right as the roller coaster shot over our head.
I flinched and he laughed.
I glared at him and of course he smirked:
I grabbed his arm and stomped over to the entrance of the roller coaster.
I shivered at the sight of the sign but I walked in anyway.
"Whoa!" Soarin stopped me.
I looked back.
"Did you even read the sign?"  He asked.
I could tell what was going on here.
"Ya, stupid enter at your own risk because we aren't responsible for your or your junk, c'mmon," I waved him in.
He looked VERY nervous.
He walked up to me and put his arm around me.
"Come on, I'm sure your too scared to ride," He claimed looking up at the 20 stories straight up then then 20 stories straight down, the tons up sharp turns the 35 loops, then another drop followed by a loop then a spin a ton of more stuff and finally the world largest drop...straight down. It all happens in 3 minutes because of how fast it is.
I tapped my foot.
"I want to ride because i'm not scared. The question is if you want to ride because you're to scared," I responded, my foot still thumping. "because if that's the case...Little Dashie will be here to protect you," I taunted in a little baby/cute voice.
He scoffed, "Pl-ease! I could ride this ride like it's nothing.
My eyes narrowed, "prove it!"
He swallowed then marched ahead into the ride.
I wasn't sacred AT ALL! Piece of pumpkin pie!
We we're strapped into the ride and I could Soarin was shaking.
I hated to admit it, but Soarin wasn't that bad.
Okay, he was horrible. But, he could be fun sometimes.
ZOOM! The ride started. We took of at a super high speed, through drops and loops. There was a slight break for the climb.
"What's was that?" I asked.
Soarin picked up a bolt. "Did we need this?"
I started to panic. Who knows what that could be for?!?
Soarin moved his lap bar and it came off.
"D-Das-shie!" He stuttered.
He showed me his lap bar.
"Oh no!"
I checked my lap was fine but-
"SOARIN!" I cried "your lap bar is off.."
Fear filled my face. "On the highest drop in the world!"
He grabbed my hand. "I'm gonna miss ya, Dash," he teased.
I punched him in the shoulder.
"I'm gonna miss ya too," I admitted.
He smirked.
"Of course you would," He told me, swinging his arm around me.
We we're about to reach the top.
My heart was going wild. Soarin might die.
I glanced over at him. Tears streaming down my face.
This was all my fault! I dragged him on this ride.
I gasped. I was going to be the murder of a celebrity.
He kissed me on the cheek before the coaster plummeted down.
Soarin flew back trying to grasp on but he couldn't. He let go and flew back.
"SOARIN!!" I screeched.
But, it was two late.
Soarin was long gone.
He was dead...because of me


SOARIN NO! The next chappie isI'm sorry! I'm not that good at being a dramatic writer. *shrugs*
I can't wait for the next chappie! It's gonna be SOOO good. I personally think.
I'll probably get the update by tomorrow but I think my writing plan:

Anyway I have time and weekends!
So look out for da updates!
Stay cool oreos!


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